Construction ideas and advice

Couple of things going on.  I am outgrowing my indoor grow room.  My barn has its own electric meter so would be much easier to split the electricity up that way for record keeping.  Need to figure out what the best choice would be.

Barn - I could build an insulated grow room, no reason to spend good money on a roof cause it would be inside barn.  Circuit breaker box is right there and if I stay 115 v it is already fairly well wired.  Oh but no matter what I do, I am paying extra for the heat.

Build Outside - Maybe go four foot up the south wall with insulation, fully insulate the back.  Save some money on lights with a clear roof.  Thinking it could not be rolled plastic because horrible insulating factors.  Save some money on lighting would offset heating on cold nights.

Expand grow room - Need to replace some lighting so might go LED.  Doesnt eliminate stairs which is one of the things I am after.  Doesnt split electricity into business vs. home.  But probably the easiest to do.  Carpet down there is shot anyway.  Likely pain with that two part epoxy basement paint.

Pulling towards outside deep winter green house design.  Kind of a fusion between a shed and a green house cause only the south wall is clear.  But keep the indoor stuff for the smallest of starts.
I face a similar quandary... where to go next with the grow tech.
I've looked for information on LED's and it's out there if you have the time to do the research.  It's not at all like buying an MH fixture where you know that it will work. LED's aren't new, but they haven't taken over the market.... yet.
For me, I like to experiment with temperature and humidity control, and I have no keen interest in long term soil or lighting experiments. I'll sit back and wait until the day when "If your're still using MH and HPS lighting... it's time to move on". And I'll but yet another 315W LEC before the year is out  :party:
As for the grow room, I'm sorry to hear you have no love for the stairs. Not sure what to tell you except that whatever has worked for you in the past, try to duplicate that as much as you can.... but you already know this  :dance:
Happy Growing,