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soil Container Growing - Reusing soil?

Hey all,

I know we are getting closer to the end of the season, and I was curious if i could reuse the soil in my containers. The reason I'm asking is that it seems like there are more roots than soil. It's almost like one big root ball in the container. Can I just take the "trunk" of the existing plant out and chop up the roots and reuse what is in there, or is that a bad idea? Is it better to just get new soil each year?

It's typically reusable, the main reasons you'll hear that you shouldn't are to avoid pathogens and because you don't want to fry new young plants with a high salt level. I don't reuse, but if you don't think these are risks you're running, save the cash.
Do what you said. Pull the trunk and chop up the remaining roots. Pile it all up and cover and let sit all winter. Next year get some new good compost or composted manure and go to town mixing it all up and saving a bit of money.
Reuse it and add compost as mentioned. Leave the root hairs in it. If any of it looks mucky just spread it out and let it completely dry, though that will happen anyway over a few months of storage.
I always flush with lots of water first that will wash any fertilizer salts out if you have any build up then chop it up and let is set for a while and you should be good to go.

I am going to reuse mine. I will add a crap ton of leaf and cut grass then cover,, I will mix and turn as I remember and add some worms. I will add Mushroom compost, and pearl lite in April. Because in late april They go in the ground.. The new gardan has zero shade.
I usually throw mine into the garden area and buy new stuff each season especially since my peppers are in 5 gallon nursery pots and have very little soil left at the end of the season. Kevin it's spelled 'garden' by the way. ;)
I Did this with a Huge pot from a Tomato plant, took out the Trunk and put the new plant, I did add some ferts, and mixed the soil around but now my new pepper plants are suffering from not enough nutrients, I really could of just got new soil, I wouldnt do it personally or at least take out as much of the roots and fill it with compost
I usually throw mine into the garden area and buy new stuff each season especially since my peppers are in 5 gallon nursery pots and have very little soil left at the end of the season. Kevin it's spelled 'garden' by the way. ;)

That is what I was thinking I had to do also, because it seems like one big root ball and more roots than soil. But, it sounds like it is just a matter of doing as suggested and cover it then add the manure.

Thanks all for the suggestions, appreciate it.
Perhaps a stupid thought, but what about throwing all that spent soil with the root mass in a compost pile, add leaves etc. at time goes on, and throw some redworms in there? Or would the spent soil kill the worms?
The root ball will decay into the functional equivalent of moss which is desirable. You could even shred up the plant trunk and its leaves and mix them in if you keep the soil a little damp so they continue to decay.
When our "compost tea specialists" were very active there was mention of putting bark from pepper plants in the teas to inrease pepper specific spores, or something to that effect. I wonder if shredding old pepper plants would add something good for future generations of pepper plants....
I save my old soil by composting it, if your worried about pathogens then treat it with H202 3% straight for a short time then compost it.
Wow. Great suggestions all. I've never composted before, because this is my first year growing. However, to buy soil for 50 containers adds up. So, i'll have to do some research on mixing up a good compost. :)
http://thehotpepper....6-is-it-stinky/ its easy only food products or dead fish go in here mixed with soil screened side for air works great
Well i have hundreds of pots & tons of potting mix so i can ill afford to throw it away, like everyone said just compost.
