container Container plant saturated-Another dumb ? from YOUR Stettoman...

There's a simple, for all I know go-to remedy to this in my head, so maybe I'm going to answer my own question...
I dug up and transplanted a robust Large Orange Thai from the 8th acre last week, and after a day of dying it once again became robust. The medium I planted it into was a mix of the soil it came out of, a large dose of Schultz potting soil and about 6 cups of Miracle Gro Perlite (which means, of course, there's ferts in it....).
I had left it out for a week, including a day of solid, soaking drizzle, which unfortunately saturated the plant. I brought it in to dry out, but the medium is loathe to release all that moisture and the plant is beginning to wilt again...
My solution is to use a long, thin screwdriver and perforate the shidt out of that soil, thus aerating the medium and giving the roots some access to air. I just last week shocked the shinola out of it, I don't want to put it through any more drama....
...though I haven't ruled out trimming a lot of the tops and giving the plant less work to do....
As you can see, she ain't petite...
I was going to recommend a light a trimming of the tops, but that may back fire... more foliage probably means more respiration and a faster ability to get moisture out of the soil...
Not sure what to tell you on this one.
I've done that before with a stake (to reach all the way to the bottom of the container), and it did dry up the soil faster, even releasing water immediately out the drain holes. Tried to be a careful not to dice up the roots too much, but did go through them some because i figured that's were aeration was needed. Another option might be to transfer to a cloth container if you have one that's big enough.
Are the pods staying firm and not softening?  Hope you can avoid that because it's a great looking plant and those LOT pods look awesome when ripe.
Oh yeah, the pods are firm and feel/look healthy. There is a lot of blossom drop going on right now, probably a combination of shock, sudden environment change and being soaked for so long.

The Thai I grew last year got to TWICE the size of this one, and due to the short zone 3 season I wound up with a small handful of ripe pods, ripe only because of a paper bag and a banana for a room mate. Hence the effort I'm putting in here....