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container Container size ?

I have a decent number of Bhuts and scorpion up now showing true leaves. I want to put them in a container and need to know what size container works well ? Thank you
You probably won't quite need 5 gal containers if you're just getting true leaves now, likely a 3 gal will do fine for final size
I would go up to those 16 oz party cups before jumping up to a 3 or 5 gallon. You could go straight to the gallons but to many people larger pots seem to be harder to judge the watering needs of your plants.
mesatrin said:
I would go up to those 16 oz party cups before jumping up to a 3 or 5 gallon. You could go straight to the gallons but to many people larger pots seem to be harder to judge the watering needs of your plants.

Yeah. I just like to transplant as few times as possible.
insanity pepper said:
Yeah. I just like to transplant as few times as possible.

I can understand that, but small plants are much easier to maintain in small pots. Easier to water, easier to check for pests, easier to fit under lights........trust me the plants will thank you.
A cheap alternative would be 9 ounce Solo cups, I have some plants in them that are almost a foot tall, they need potted up though. The 16 ounce Solo cups will hold the plant awhile longer. You can get 50 of them for a dollar at most Dollar General/Dollar Tree stores.
You should aim for something in between the size you have now and the final container size. Small plants don't do so well if their containers are too big, as has been pointed out above, especially when it comes to finding appropriate irrigation systems for a small developing plant. If the container is too big they will put all their energy into making roots rather than growing. Once they are a bit bigger the trauma of transfer won't be so bad.