Contest time again. Congrats Doomsdaykillz

What a picture, man you are doing something right, very nice looking peppers :onfire:
My # is 28

Thanks for the offer!!!!!, This site is GREAT, & you are always doing good things here, I just gave away some Jamaican Hot Chocolate seeds as appreciation for people like you!!
#7 thxs man saw the table of peppers your name fits lol you got a pepper problem lol man thats a big o pile of peppers VERY NICE...
What a picture, man you are doing something right, very nice looking peppers :onfire:
My # is 28

Thanks for the offer!!!!!, This site is GREAT, & you are always doing good things here, I just gave away some Jamaican Hot Chocolate seeds as appreciation for people like you!!
Thanks for the nice words, but I am just trying to do my part as a newbie. The members that have toiled for years on this site giving away their time, knowledge, peppers and seeds. (ref cmpman1974) and the like really have set the standard. So, I want to thank them for the years of poaching info from them, before joining. Thanks guys!
22. thanks again for these contests. you are truly generous. good luck to everybody. btw, i have never tried a douglah, i have some growing but none ripe yet. red 7 is my favorite pepper as of now, so i'm sure i would enjoy them.