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Convinced it's a chocolate 7 pot

OK this is what should have been included in the post. The gremlins pulled the site from under me this morning when posting....
One of my red 7 pot plants has either got it'self a sun tan, it is sunny at this time of year,:hot: or I've been sold a chololate variety. Can anyone help me confirm it's a cholate 7 rod please.
Look like chocolate 7s to me.  Chocolate is often a genetic variation of red anyways, it's possible that the vendor sent the wrong seeds (or you got a cross with something) but it's also possible that you got lucky and have a mutant.
Helvete said:
Look like chocolate 7s to me.  Chocolate is often a genetic variation of red anyways, it's possible that the vendor sent the wrong seeds (or you got a cross with something) but it's also possible that you got lucky and have a mutant.
I quite like the idea of a mutant chilli. The plant looks nice and healthy and the pods look fantastic so I'm more than pleased with the outcome.