Convincing fat free eggs

Alright I was bored this morning so I experimented with the microwave and this is what I got:
3 eggs
some milk
bowl (mw safe)
Crack the eggs, mix in a bit of milk and whisk until uniform all throughout. Slap it in the microwave on max power, for about a minute. Make sure you cover the bowl in case this explodes (might happen). When done take it out, fluff it up a bit with a fork, put back in and nuke until done. Put some salt and pepper to taste, with sriracha on the side. Congratulations you made-no added fat eggs
This is not fat free, but….. When I go to my client's office in the morning I bring a couple hard-boiled eggs. I arrived one morning to find I grabbed a couple raw eggs, instead. What to do? They had paper plates and bowls and coffee-making stuff. I cracked the eggs into a bowl and added a couple of the small cups of hazelnut coffee creamer then mixed it with a couple of the coffee stir sticks and then nuked it 1 minute, stirred, then nuked some more.
End result? I don't drink coffee, so haven't ever felt a need to buy creamer before. But yeah, I've got some at home now!
You can also use a good non-stick pan w/o adding fats for scrambled eggs.

Nuked eggs go way back. Surprised you just discovered it. :lol:
Yeah I saw that too. Figured he'd say he used non-fat.
Poached and sunny side up rival for my top spot depending on the dish.
Over easy next.
Over medium is still tasty at the center as long as it does not get to that hard boild egg texture/color in ANY of it. Decent for an egg sandwich but still prefer a messy over easy.
Sucks to be you lot...
Eggs, whole milk, cheese, cultured butter, sea salt, black pepper and hot sauce.


In moderation, of course. ;)
But yeah, poached is good too.....
Dude goes from fat free to vein hardening lol... just cook em normal and you don't have to go to such extremes.