co-packer Copackers in the PNW?

Hello everyone. Needing a little guidance on how to reach out to smaller copackers. More or less smaller copackers who are willing to take on a small couple runs a year product, or even big scaled copackers who you have experience with. I don't mind branching away from the PNW too, as long as a few factors of locations, storage, shipping, etc can fall into place.
I make a salsa that's doing incredibly well, and demand is starting to take me away from the commercial kitchen side of things, and into the more business world of things.
I have my prequalified list of questions, been googling what I can, but it's harder to find the little guys who are looking for companies like mine to help with bottling, etc. Seeing what this community might have to guide my way. Thanks.
Hey Killa~
:welcome: to THP!
For co-packers- There's Farmhouse Kitchen in Monroe WA and I think there is a mustard company based in Beaverton, OR, I'm sure there are more options, but I haven't been looking for a long time.  Don't really know~ 
Most co-packers are busy and really don't have time for 'nose-pickers'.  When you talk to them you should be very sure what you want and be willing to pay for their time. 
Read through these threads-
What stage is your salsa business at?  are you licensed locally to sell at a FM or similar?
Great to see another NW sauce company!
Vancouver BC or Vancouver WA?
Both are PNW, a little more clarification would be helpful.  :cool:
Thanks for your valuable information. Gives me a good path to start locally.
Sorry, forgot some important info. lol. Yep, not in Canada. Good ole Vancouver, WA. 
The "nose-picking" was never my attention either. It's still early. I wouldn't bug them yet without a solid game plan for myself. Google just wasn't helping in terms of small time copackers, or I just haven't learned how to search in that area yet, haha. 
I am licensed to sell. Right now, I'm on the cusp of going in a different direction vs the standard farmers markets, and store shelves. I used to work for a division within FM Corporate, so hopefully they wouldn't be biased when I do plan to approach them, haha jk. 
Thanks for all the info, will definitely be posting my journey here along the way, and helping out the community where I can. 
Seattle Gourmet Foods, Kent, WA, 425-656-9076
Pasta Sauces, Salsas, Truffles, Coffee, Cookies, Gifts

Beaverton Foods Inc., Hillsboro, OR, 800-223-8076
Horseradish, Mustards, Kosher, Condiments, Salsa

Chef George Inc, Portland, OR, 503-467-4114
Salsas, Dips, Spreads, BBQ Sauces, Appetizers

Paradigm Food Works, Lake Oswego, OR, 800-234-0250
Salsa, Candy, Fudge Sauce, Scone Mix, Vinegar, Mustard, Jams, BBQ Sauce Dressings

Sweet Creek Foods, Elmira, OR, 541-935-1615
Organic, Salsas, Pickles, Spreads, Tuna

West Coast Co-Packer, Gervais, OR, 503-390-1425
Strawberry Lemonades, or, CBD drinks, from salsas and Pasta Sauces, to Teas, Honey products, to Cocktail & Bloody Mary mixes, to Syrups, Condiments
If you have an inclination to do your own processing, search for shared use kitchens. Good luck and keep us posted to what you find.