• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Copenhagen LED grow, March 13 photo update

Hi there
I've been lurking around this forum for a while now, and thought this would be the right time for this post.
This year I'll be growing mainly indoors, I planted the first seeds in December, a few more in the beginning of January, and then the last few seeds in the beginning of February.
Here's my list:
  • Royal Black
  • Aji Amarillo
  • Habanero Chocolate
  • 7pot White
  • Trinidad Scorpion ’Butch T’
  • Hungarian Yellow Wax Sweet
  • Hungarian Yellow Wax
  • Lemon Drop
  • Aji Benito
  • Rocoto
  • Blondie
  • Bolivian Rainbow
  • Yellow Teapot
  • Rawit
  • Numex Twilight
  • Peito de Moca
  • Bhut Orange Copenhagen
  • Naga Morich
  • Habanero Meltdown
  • Trapadeira Werner
  • Madame Jeanette
  • Habanero Hot Lemon
  • Carolina Reaper
  • Habanero X-strain
  • Numex Suave Orange
  • Praetermissum PI441654
  • Trinidad Perfume
  • Aji Dulce
  • Habanero Tobago Seasoning
  • Fatalii Yellow
  • Rocoto de Seda Orange
  • Jalapeño Orange
  • Habanero Tree
  • Jalapeño Early
  • Jalapeño Purple
That's 35 varierities, all seeds are planted in Jiffy's, then potted to 0,7L.
I'm using 3*36W LED bulbs so far, and since I've just moved into a new apartment, the plants still haven't gotten their real spot yet.

19/01-2014 Getting more seeds ready to plant


28/01-2014 Rawit  

28/01-2014 Rawit starting to set flower pods (I remove the first 10 or so)


13/02-2014 One of the Carolina Reaper's

13/02-2014 Lemon Drop

13/02-2014 Bolivian Rainbow, one of my favorites so far, very bushy!
Wow I'm amazed everytime I see that Bolivian Rainbow. Is it really on it's first year? It's so woody and looks like a bonchi already! It must be one of the best looking varieties around.
Where did you get your BOC, Blondie and Habanero Tobago Seasoning from? Did they germinate?
I got mine from a seed envelope off Chilifan and unfortunately none of mine has come up, eventhough I've tried twice. :confused: Well I'll have to try a third time. You know third time's the charm. ;)
Nice looking plants. Glad to see you growing BOC. Seems fitting.

I had to, it should be so delicious so I'm really looking forward to taste it!

This will be an interesting grow. I see you're mainly growing indoors. Which plants are going outside ? Besides the LED's will the plants receive any supplemental window light ?
I've grown pepper plants indoors before yr round, it can be done successfully with some select pruning. Best of luck with the plants...
I only grew a couple of plants outside last year, and they worked out quite well. I have two of almost every plant, so one inside and one inside. Any more specific on what kind of pruning you're thinking? I'm trying to keep all plants fairly controlled and low

Wow I'm amazed everytime I see that Bolivian Rainbow. Is it really on it's first year? It's so woody and looks like a bonchi already! It must be one of the best looking varieties around.
Mind you it's in a tiny pot - only 1l! Its first month was almost without light, and kept fairly cold, maybe that has helped it too

Where did you get your BOC, Blondie and Habanero Tobago Seasoning from? Did they germinate?
I got mine from a seed envelope off Chilifan and unfortunately none of mine has come up, eventhough I've tried twice. :confused: Well I'll have to try a third time. You know third time's the charm. ;)
The Blondie seeds I got from a chilifan envelope did not germinate either, so got them from bh-froe.com with the BOC, they both popped up after about a week. The Tobago seasoning is from pepperseeds.eu
Small update from today. Flowers popping!
Pimenta Pink Tiger, Yaki Blue and Mojo Blackie hopefully popping soon:


Lots of pink light:


First flowers on one of the Bolivian Rainbows:


Rawit flowering:

That's all for now, have a great weekend!
In regards to the pruning question, I would only pinch back the leading grow tips from the tallest branches. Habanero type plants never required much, but any of the Indian or Trinidad varieties tend to grow upward in a conical shape. The tops were trimmed back to encourage lower and inner growth.
Have a great weekend also...
Small photo update.. Pods are showing on my Rawit, and the plants are growing in general. Nothing much happening - the sun is really showing now here in Denmark, SPRING IS COMING!!

Bolivian Rainbow

Fell in and put some new seeds in soil: Lots of Pink Tiger, Yaki Blue, Trinidad Perfume, some more Blondie, Rocoto de Seda .. Oh well :)

Babies soon ready to pot up


Avocado which has sneaked itself under the purple lights


Naga Morich

Lemon Drop - first plant in 3,5L pot


Rawit, and closeup of the first pods of 2014 in my grow
Need a bump for the last few pics!