pics Copper Deficiency - Pics now loaded.

I have had a couple OW plants that have had their leaves curl and wither while others in the same environment have flourished.  The only deficiency that I looked up that would cause this would be copper.  
Are different types of peppers more prone to this?
What would be the solution if this is the problem?
Plants that have shown this, Chocolate Hab, Primo, Brainstrain
Plants that have not shown this, Datil, fatalii, TS, 7 Pod, and Bhut.
Have you checked your PH? certain PH levels can cause specific lockouts also. IF the PH is the problem, it is likely that your soil could use some acidic treament (lime or ph adjusters in general). But my plants started to do this same thing as a result of too much light too soon. Just throwing out ideas.
Looks more like mite/insect damage then a deficiency to my eyes... And the last one looks like it is water stressed in the leaves? Any other symptoms? What does the underside of the leaf look like?
If its broad mites you won't be able to see them easily without a magnifying glass and they actually will pick out certain plants over others to attack ... Not unusual to have one plant absolutely hammered initially and another left right Alone
From what I have read, they are susceptible to temps below 50 degrees.  Pulling the plant out of the grow room overnight to see what happens.  Won't kill the plant, but if it is critters, they should be toast. 
I agree with Trippa now that we have pics.
Could be some bugs attacking the roots too if you dont see them on the leaves even with magnification.
It kind of looks like multiple things have been going on.
HillBilly Jeff said:
From what I have read, they are susceptible to temps below 50 degrees.  Pulling the plant out of the grow room overnight to see what happens.  Won't kill the plant, but if it is critters, they should be toast. 
If you have broadmites in a confined space taking a plant out will not likely eradicate them ... Most likely they will be present on other plants without damage being shown yet ...
It really looks like the plants have overly wet feet (oedema). I can see miniature lumps on the leaves. That and a high relative humidity can cause this.