Cost of containers

Is 20¢ a decent price to pay for 5 gallon plastic containers - those kind you get plants from a greenhouse in? Also, are there tricks or hazards to using containers, especially since they will not drain like soil does? Would one pretty much water them the same as a garden, that is, if the dirt needs watering, so do they?
That's more than a decent price, that's a steal! Those are perfect for pepper plants, all you have to do is cut down on the watering routine.
heck yea thats a steal for that price ( $.20 per 5 gallon container) STOCK UP for that price! 5 gallon buckets go for about $3-$4 each.
if they dont have them, drill holes at the bottom sides to allow water to drain out (about 1/2" size)

I think they're not much different than growing in the ground other than being able to move the containers inside because of cold temps or whatnot.
did you get your containers?

The guy wasn't there. That and the papers were like four hours late plus I had an appointment I had hoped to make. I never even thought to take a check, let alone see if someone else could help. I've got to get some Wednesday, though, because a couple of plants are getting too big for their container as it is.