Cotyledons and stem healthy but no leaves sprouting through on Datil.,

As the title states, I have a datil (the lone one that germed, figures right?) that has been up for about 2 weeks give or take but shows no signs of anything new growing between the cotys... Never experienced this before.. time to start over?
I can add a photo if needed but I think I summed things up pretty well above.
I dont know what causes it. But I have had it happen with seedlings before. It will eventually get a new growing tip out, but it will probably be stunted for as long as it would take to sprout new ones.
mx5inpa said:
I dont know what causes it. But I have had it happen with seedlings before. It will eventually get a new growing tip out, but it will probably be stunted for as long as it would take to sprout new ones.
Right you were!
Finally see leaves poking through. I'm really pleased because this is the lone seed that has germinated so far out a dozen or so planted.
AaronRiot said:
Right you were!
Finally see leaves poking through. I'm really pleased because this is the lone seed that has germinated so far out a dozen or so planted.
Be warned it might still grow weird and be slow for quite a while, but that seemed pretty quick for the new tip so it might just start right off normally.
I had something like this happen to some roccotos. I had more, so just got rid of the sad ones...
i have a couple stunted seedlings too...  the true leaves are small and taking forever to grow.  im still holding on to them off to the side...  hopefully they will grow out of that stage soon.
BlisterdOutPods671 said:
This little guy is about 2 months old. Giving it a week to show me any signs of growing.

Did you put drainage holes in the bottom of that cup? A number of my plants this season were stunted earlier until I transplanted them to a better draining mix.
harry said:
Did you put drainage holes in the bottom of that cup? A number of my plants this season were stunted earlier until I transplanted them to a better draining mix.
Yup. Multiple drainage holes. Bunch of small ones and a couple larger ones.
harry said:
How low in the cup is the surface of the mix?
Maybe half way. The others are doing fine though. 4 out of 20 are like this so I ain't worried. Still have more than enough! This is just 1 strain that I'm growing. Only gonna keep the 2 healthiest seedlings, the rest are going.