Could this finally be ROOTS???

After five weeks of waiting could my little jalapeno clone finally be putting out some roots?


Quite possibly. Are you changing out the liquid daily, or at least every other day? The liquid looks very clear, like you are, so it seems most likely that those are the buds of new roots. Post more pics in a few days so we can see!
geeme said:
Quite possibly. Are you changing out the liquid daily, or at least every other day? The liquid looks very clear, like you are, so it seems most likely that those are the buds of new roots. Post more pics in a few days so we can see!
Thanks, for your reply.  I'm changing the water out every other day.  I'm just using filtered water no nutrients yet.  I will post more pics in a few days. 
I agree , those are "definetly" the beginning of roots.. Looks exactly like what my clones of my dwarf meyer lemon tree that I do many times a year for friends a neighbors as gifts or because they want one... Did you use any rooting hormone?
sp33d said:
I agree , those are "definetly" the beginning of roots.. Looks exactly like what my clones of my dwarf meyer lemon tree that I do many times a year for friends a neighbors as gifts or because they want one... Did you use any rooting hormone?
No I did not use any rooting hormone,  just filtered water.  I had cloned a couple of tomato suckers earlier this season and with in a week there were loaded with roots.  So I assumed pepper cuttings would about the same, boy was I wrong.  I've done a little reading on this site since then and it seems peppers can take quite a while to root.
Yeah rooting hormone is not "required" but your life would be much easier if you had some.. I have had success with and without rooting hormone , but more success with it...
I'm seeing more root nodes but no root hairs, that I got with my Tomato clones.  Would this be a good time to put this clone into a DWC bubble bucket, or should I wait till the longer roots are formed.  This is my first pepper clone any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



I think you'd want to wait until you've got some solid roots developed.  Moving too soon to DWC and you may look your clone all together.
How often are you changing that water out? I'm not a pro but I would think having fresh (oxygenated) water more often would help regards to the working theory of a cloning bucket that mists the clones to encourage root growth...
dlsolo said:
I think you'd want to wait until you've got some solid roots developed.  Moving too soon to DWC and you may look your clone all together.
Aaron thanks for the reply, guess I can wait a little longer.  I'm just getting anxious pepper cloning is a true test of patience.
sp33d said:
How often are you changing that water out? I'm not a pro but I would think having fresh (oxygenated) water more often would help regards to the working theory of a cloning bucket that mists the clones to encourage root growth...
Anton I'm changing the water every other day, I'm still only using pure filtered water.  I am starting to wonder if I should use some watered down nutrients that I'm using in my tomato bubble bucket.
I've never had to use any nutes for clones so I can't say either way if it's ok or not ....IMO though I don't think a diluted solution would hurt anything...
willard3 said:
Chile growing in general is a patience game.
If patience is a virtue, I must becoming a really virtuous dude. LOL
sp33d said:
I've never had to use any nutes for clones so I can't say either way if it's ok or not ....IMO though I don't think a diluted solution would hurt anything...
I'll think I will stick to pure filtered water for a week or so more,  then maybe start adding some diluted nutrients.  I guess it would be sort of like a modified kratcky method.
Beelzeboss said:
Looks like some power stuff, have you tried it yet.
yes this stuff its great, when you get you're roots going, add the mykos to you're soil more the better. and its all beneficial microbes so its nothing crazy u know.
check their site out, i think they give out free samples you just have to play Shipping and Handling.