Countless Tiny Reaper Pods

My hydroponic reaper has just started to produce a ton of tiny little pods. Anyone have a similar experience with theirs? Some have even ripened already when they're still small and don't have the pimply appearance I've seen on many pictures of larger reaper pods.



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Pre pod's are always like that. I have a pic in an old glog of a reaper that looks just like that. As they get bigger they will get pimply. I've seen indoor plant get small little ones like that. Give them time.
Yeah I tried the M&M thing and I think I still prefer chocolate... These are spicy!

I got these seeds straight from Puckerbutt and the other reaper from the same seed order is producing the same pods, albeit WAY less of them, as it is not in DWC.

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OCD Chilehead said:
Pre pod's are always like that. I have a pic in an old glog of a reaper that looks just like that. As they get bigger they will get pimply. I've seen indoor plant get small little ones like that. Give them time.
Nice. I'm hardening this plant off now too so hopefully more light helps it as well. Glad to hear yours did the same.

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I had a plant last year that through out the correct looking reaper, but in october and november the pods looked like that. Seeds were from pucker too. Imho, Im thinking that my plant may have exausted all the nutrients. Hopefully soon yours corrects itself.
I'd put a bit more energy towards veg, and a little less towards fruit right now... Whatever you are doing to encourage pods, back it off a bit, or start pinching. Whatever you find easiest...
I had a 7 pod Douglah do this indoors, but I think it was because I didn't have strong enough lights. But this reaper of yours is under your LED light setup right?
solid7 said:
I'd put a bit more energy towards veg, and a little less towards fruit right now... Whatever you are doing to encourage pods, back it off a bit, or start pinching. Whatever you find easiest...
I may start pinching so it can put a little more energy into the flowers I leave. I haven't been doing anything special to encourage blooming since I started from seed. Same nute ratio, same light cycle.

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U)<now said:
I had a 7 pod Douglah do this indoors, but I think it was because I didn't have strong enough lights. But this reaper of yours is under your LED light setup right?
Interesting. Yes, these are under some very powerful LEDs. I just took them outside yesterday though so we'll see what changes when they're out in the full sun.

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I have a chili growing like that. It's overwintered chili with either Ca deficiency or some kind of fungal infection. Most of the leaves are wilted and deformed, some even have two main veins merged together. Seems to be recovering nicely though, new leaves hardly show any signs of wilting... But the flowers.... Countless, just like on your photos. 
I'm guessing lots of people are growing Reapers since it's famous for holding the official record currently and maybe getting smaller pods due to hot weather or whatever, and googling about it, thus leading them to this link. Almost everytime I Google something related to peppers, a link to a thread is in the top 5 results.