the world championship chili championship in terlingua Texas will be sat nov 5th.
i have as good of chance of winning this as i did at winning the 340 million dollar powerball.:twisted:
bubbaschili said:
the world championship chili championship in terlingua Texas will be sat nov 5th.
i have as good of chance of winning this as i did at winning the 340 million dollar powerball.:twisted:

I'm going out on a limb... you didn't win Powerball. :halo:
Good luck in Texas Bubba, at least you'll be there and trying(won't have any fun though, hehehe)
I hope to see you place at that event, good luck brother,
chili makers rule, and wannabes drool.

All this support, kinda makes me wish I still had pom poms. :halo:

You go Bubba.

And if you don't win... Well, it won't be for lack of trying


or support!


was looking at our last publication and there are over 400 cooks qualified so far...i tell ya if i could place at this event i would be able to die a happy man.
bubbaschili said:
was looking at our last publication and there are over 400 cooks qualified so far...i tell ya if i could place at this event i would be able to die a happy man.

Fwiw, me friend. Since you're probably the only one I know at that contest. You'll place first in my books. :twisted:

hate to say it but i have been having alot of dreams lately about the world championship....the winner gets a huge tropy that looks like a giant pepper and on the pepper it looks like the world.(kinda like a globe of the world shaped in the shape of a pepper.) man to bring that home to north carolina would be a dream come true....not getting my hopes up but man that would be sooooooooo cooooollllllll.