seeds-germination Cracked and crushed seeds...will they still grow?

Got my Trinidad Scorpion seeds today and when I opened the pack there were 2 or 3 seeds out of the ten I ordered that were crushed. Just wondering if they would still have any chance of germinating? Not a huge deal but I did pay $10 for ten seeds. At least if I can get 5 or 6 plants out of the bunch I would be happy and have plenty of seeds for next year. I went ahead and planted all the whole seeds, one per cell and then just placed all the crushed bits in the last cell so I guess in a week or so I'll see what happens.

Sorry about the terrible photo...lost my mounting plate to my tripod and my hands are too shakey for a steady shot.

Its usually the postal rollers that destroy the seeds but the good news is that they still often germinate. I've been quite surprised in the past at what little bits actually germinated
The good news is that damaged seeds often do germinate, sometimes faster then non cracked seeds. The down side is sometimes they get damaged just right that they won't sprout.
Yeah...I figured it was the rollers that did it. Not too worried though cause there were still 7 or 8 good looking seeds and I am not sure what I would have done with ten plants worth of scorpions anyways :P