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Crazy 7 Pot Brain Strain plants

I started two 7 Pot Brain Strain[sup]TM[/sup] plants in early July, with aspirations of overwintering them and getting a huge head start on next season. The seeds came from Cappy, taken from a pod from the Mother Plant. They were started in a soil I made up from plain garden soil with composted grass clippings and other composted vegetation, no fancy potting mixes, perlite, etc. The plants were kept under a fluorescent shop light fixture for about a month after sprouting, then placed in a south facing window. When they had their third true leaves, they were taken from the 3" pots I started them in to a 10" plastic flower pots that maybe holds 1.75 quarts. Other than three Epsom salt spritzes, all I have done is keep their feet wet and happy. They have never been outside. Both plants are going gang busters, even with the limited light from the window. The part that amazes me is the size of the leaves it has now, six inches and growing! Both plants are about 8 inches tall.

Proof of life (literally!) photos:



Yup, I started mine along with two chocolate habs and a white hab as an overwintering project. The white hab died under identical conditions and the other two choc habs are about half the size of the brain strain plant. That thing is crazy resilient.
Nice looking Brain Strain plants you got Walt, good luck with the overwinter project. The window light is perfect for plants that size but as they gets bigger your going to need more light or they will slow down. Outside the Brain Strain grows to over 6' tall are my tallest plants in the garden. It is still very amazing to me that so many people around the world are growing a plant from my backyard, nobody can say that I'm stingy with the seeds. :fireball:
Nice looking Brain Strain plants you got Walt, good luck with the overwinter project. The window light is perfect for plants that size but as they gets bigger your going to need more light or they will slow down. Outside the Brain Strain grows to over 6' tall are my tallest plants in the garden. It is still very amazing to me that so many people around the world are growing a plant from my backyard, nobody can say that I'm stingy with the seeds. :fireball:

You are not stingy, that's for sure. Thank's Walt for starting a couple and showing the great early results. This has inspired me to get an early start on a few BS seeds I rcvd from Cappy. Amazing size of that leaf!
very healthy looking plants lucky for having right source of seeds i have some not from cappy we will see if they turn to be true brain
I saw your photos in your grow thread Charles, they really do not look that different. Yours has the right shape of leaf, and we both have a slight purpling of the leaf stem and main vein. Remember, mine have not been outside at all, and spent their first month under a fluorescent shop light, then a small south facing window. Last week they were moved to a larger south east facing window. You have nothing to worry about. :D
I thought I would post a update on the plants. They are doing great, and as of today the very first flower has opened up. They are both 22 inches tall, and are branching off at each new node now. The temperature in the house has been a constant 65-67°f, humidity around 45-55%. As you can tell in the first photo, I had a cat satisfy his need for greens again. there are over a dozen flower buds so far, with 2-4 per node. I wonder what are my chances of actually getting pod-set? I am not doing anything to make them go dormant, that is why they are continuing to grow. They have started to stretch out due to low light levels, but I am not worried, this is a experiment anyways. I have given them one feeding of fish nutes, and I am considering a pot up soon.

Proof of life!

the first flower, opened up November 1, 2010:
oops, sorry about the date, edited post to reflect real date............ :doh:

I have a Bolivian Rainbow in a smaller kitchen window with over a dozen pods, with more setting as I write. They are smallish, but are very potent. I will do the finger pollinating routine to see if I can get the Brain Strain plants to set pods, but I expect flower drop of at least 50%, just like the Bolivian Rainbow.

Ya never know.........
nice plants! can't wait to grow this one next season. this and yellow bhut were the only ones i didn't get to test this season. i'll have plenty of both for next year for sure. i heard cappy say they can get 6 feet tall. that's awsome!
aw, Walt, ya gotta love that "quote" feature. While you are scrabmling to edit, others have already quoted!...

Great start on your plants. Keep posting through the winter.
Oh man this really really makes me want to start some of the prized seeds I have indoors. Good job that plant is doing great its growing up very fast!
Nice looking plants, I have 5 BS (all from Cappy) growing ATM, 2 in DWC and 3 in soil the leaves in the DWC would easily be that big if not bigger (will try to put pics in my grow log tonight), but the ones I have in soil are still only on there first set of true leaves, they are all around 5ish weeks old. I'm sure you'll get plenty of pods off those two beasts!

Good luck.


It has been a while, so it is way overdue for a update. They are still going, making flowers and growing all the time. They have developed quite a canopy. No pods have set, the light levels are too low. The plants have started to grow into each other, I have to be careful while separating when I give them a weekly turning. I noticed that they need some stem growth for better strength, so I started a exercise program with a box fan every evening. Hopefully the main stems will get stronger for plant out in around 4 months. EGAD! FOUR Months! They will be huge before they even start the main growing season!

Proof of life photos!

Plant #1

Plant #2