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crazy winds ...

I had planted all my superhots and other not-so-super-hots this past weekend. Today, i heard the wind blow pretty hard. I looked outside and my ghetto 6mil plastic cover on my square foot garden was loose again. It was so strong the metal rods that were attached to the plastic were bent! i ran as fast as i could, taming the plastic beast from crushing the pepper plants again. I finally tore it down and quickly built a more stable structure.

Anyways, the superhots leaves are nice and big, but they got tossed up left and right, up and down, all around with the winds. I'm wondering if that will kill the plant? They look exhausted. The leaves got tossed up so bad! i have bamboo stakes to keep the plants from falling over, but not sure what will happen to the leaves.
+1 Franzb

You have my sympathies. We can get some hellish winds here in my part of the world (CA). I've had to stake all my plants, even my seedlings because of the unpredictability of these winds.

Good luck PJ!


Stems will certainly tear and unless you are ready with metal pins...that will be that!

We had unseasonal gusts of wind over here last week and I lost two plants that I had been growing all season. Did I stake 'em? Thought that perhaps they were strong enough on their own..guess what? They're all strong enough until something untoward happens.

Next season, even my pumpkins are getting staked! :cool:
i live in sugar land as well... and yea we had some pretty strong wind for a while. plus side is we get to enjoy some nice weather untill what thursday?
It really looks like they're being brutalized, doesn't it? I believe as long as the main stalks are not broken, high winds only make the plants stronger. We had the crazy honking gusts here yesterday, too (North Louisiana). A few of my babies are kind of bent, but everyone made it through, now tougher for the experience!

I have a Guyana PI 199506 which got a serious kink in its trunk during a storm a couple weeks ago. It looked like a goner for sure, but pretty soon it "raised its head up" and soldiered on. Today it's as full and lush as its siblings...
In Louisiana we had some very windy and horrible weather that started all at once, before I could get outside to move them, some had already fallen down in there pots... My biggest Orange Hab that had almost 40 little pods on it fell and cracked off a main branch, I lost about 25 pods.... I was so upset, it was doing soo well... :-(
These are some of the pods I lost :(
In Louisiana we had some very windy and horrible weather that started all at once, before I could get outside to move them, some had already fallen down in there pots... My biggest Orange Hab that had almost 40 little pods on it fell and cracked off a main branch, I lost about 25 pods.... I was so upset, it was doing soo well... :-(

Bummer! Sorry about that. We hate to see our babies fall and break a branch...

Are you in a band? My friend Rose has a band in N.O.
Hey Windchicken, I was in a band that played all over the place and nationwide for a while, since then we got married and settled down... I still play from time to time when something comes up. Do you know the name of the band your friend Rose is in ?
Hey Windchicken, I was in a band that played all over the place and nationwide for a while, since then we got married and settled down... I still play from time to time when something comes up. Do you know the name of the band your friend Rose is in ?

Sending you a PM. I was hijacking this thread with irrelevant matter...
We just had some vicious winds pass through southern Illinois too (tornado warnings accompanying them- wind gusts got as high as 60-70 mph in some areas). I ended up just taking the plastic off my cloche-tunnel type deal, letting my tomato plants fend for themselves. They were fine the next day. I think once they're big enough to do a Florida weave they'll be alright...

Most of my peppers will be growing in pots, so I'll probably have to rig something up to support them in case of high winds.
Here in Central Indiana high winds are normal, especially when T-storms pass through. I rarely have a plant that is not bent over/broken by the end of the season, staked or not! When I first harden the plants in the spring we typically have daily 15-25mph winds. Needless to say the leaves are usually somewhat tattered after a day or two. New leaves (when grown outside) usually are stronger and more resistant to the wind. The last 2 years I have used a large window fan to blow over the seedlings while indoors, which seems to help them strengthen their stems before they go outside. I still don't like the wind!
Big winds and thunderstorms rolled thru here this morning pretty scary event when your seedlings are in it. When it stopped all plants had droopy leaves and a few needed help standing up but now all are fine. The leaves dried off and the plants perked back up in no time. Sorry to all that lost branches and pods but in the end everything just got watered very well. What doesn't kill them only makes them stonger. Some nice weather on the way.
We had 2 trees blow over into our yard last night, had stuff thrown all OVER the place, and lost power for about 12 hours. I'm glad I didnt have any plants outside!
Big winds and thunderstorms rolled thru here this morning pretty scary event when your seedlings are in it. When it stopped all plants had droopy leaves and a few needed help standing up but now all are fine. The leaves dried off and the plants perked back up in no time. Sorry to all that lost branches and pods but in the end everything just got watered very well. What doesn't kill them only makes them stonger. Some nice weather on the way.

Good to hear that, gives me hope. i'm still at work, anticipating my plants are the same way (perked up) when i return home.