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Went down to the greenhouse today to check on my chili plants. I have 5 hungarian wax seeds germinating in a flower pot and they are taking there time so i though i would take off the clingfilm and have a poke around.

As I brushed the surface of the soil i could see a leaf poking out. This surprised me and i was interested as the chili couldnt of developed that much under the soil. The further i poked the more and more leaf I found resembling a small cabbage or something. As i pulled them out it was clear they wernt growing but instead had been placed there!!

Of course it was the leaf cutter bee i had seen hanging around in the greenhouse of late! Cheeky little bugger have tunneled in the hold under the flowerpot and started making a nest! Of course concerned about the welfare of my seeds i promptly removing the leaf matter and rearranged it in in another similar flower pot just as the bee returned!

I left it to its devices and has found the flowerpot i left! I didnt even realise you get these bee's in the UK how crazy that it found its way into a flower pot in my greenhouse!