chinense Cream Scotch Bonnets


Saw this post from a guy on facebook, offering seeds of cream colored scotch bonnets. Unfortunately seed offer is USA only... 🙄 oh well...

Comment by mr. Vetter:
A few seasons ago In a field of scotch bonnets 1 plant decided to throw creamy white bonnets, seeds saved by Jah Works Farm and passed to me and a few other people to grow out.. this is my 3rd season I do believe and we are keeping what we like which are these in the pictures above

Hey Marc...too bad i don't use FBook....that sure looks like a winner..would love to try a few seeds...I grew TFM
SB ,seeds from Paul and they were absolutely one of the best I've eaten.
If anyone here has info., on how to get these /or has seeds would you entertain a trade with me...perhaps?
If I'm successful in procuring seeds I'll send some to you in Belgium.
There's an email address on his fb page... bandidasfarms[at]gmail[dot]com
Yeah,checked out that already...didn't see any mention of seed selling/just some tees...did he say if he was selling the
seeds in his post or was it a freebie?

Also emailed Jah Works Farm & asked about seeds, they are a Rastafarian outfit in North Carolina dealing with many food
items common in the Rasta diet,Ya Mon ! Wha Gwan.

One Love.:P
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Looks like they do sell seeds...

In case you order any, order one extra for me, I will paypal your expenses 🙂


ummm, he posted this a few hours ago. Giving Tuesday has a whole new meaning lol.
No reply to my querry thus far???
Re: Giving Tuesday meaning....seems like a "GIVEN" here.....had to add my 2
Anywho,Marc/DR there seems more to this than meets the eye...& since not being privy to the unfolding on FB I'm
in the dark.....seeds may not be on the horizon AFAICS..we should move on & keep to our nice & family friendly community on THP.
We didn't win anything, didn't lose anything either 🙂

I wonder if this has anything to do with the KSLS seeds being sold also. Khang who created this variety does not want these seeds to be sold. The fact that some sellers do sell it is a sensitive subject to some...
We didn't win anything, didn't lose anything either 🙂

I wonder if this has anything to do with the KSLS seeds being sold also. Khang who created this variety does not want these seeds to be sold. The fact that some sellers do sell it is a sensitive subject to some...
That's it hit the nail on the head.,,nothing worth dwelling on.
I have fresh seeds of TFM SB if you want some also Peppa Peach.
Oh but I already have more seeds than I can grow in 10 seasons 😁. But as I am more and more interested in SB and I don't remember seeing a white SB before this was one I really wanted to get my hands on 🙂. I do have TFM seeds already btw 🙂. I'm not so much into baccatums, they tend to grow too large...
MarcV I wrote to Bobby (Jahworksfarm) all those years ago and offered to grow out the white/cream bonnet for him. Year one it produced four pheno’s ….. I have continued to grow this bonnet to date. I could see on Istragam that Vetters was also growing on the bonnet for Bobby but was disappointed to see it commercially being sold by him … I sarcastically asked if Bobby was going to get any recognition but my words failed. The story of Bobby’s bonnet for me goes around in full circle as it was me that grew out Allen Boatman’s TFM and sent the seed to Justin White. If you look at his bonnets most have come from me


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Interesting story! I had the impression that this Rob guy is a guy with an "attitude" but I couldn't figure out what was going on 🙂

Are you growing out all those color variations?

I did notice on the WHP site that you are referenced a couple of times as origin of some of the varieties.

Something else unrelated to the topic... When you say "TFM" do you mean "true form" or maybe even something else? It often confuses me as I learned to interpret it as "Trenton Farmers Market" 🙂
Bobby is a hard working farmer who with his family grow a lot of different crops mostly hemp but also has chillies for the local farmers markets. I only concentrated on the White/Cream variety with the help of Jara a fellow European chilli fanatic. Only saving seed from the best shaped pods the variety is starting to stabilise. Send me a DM

So who came first … Allen Boatman called his variety TFM (True Form) and it was sold by Peter Merle (Semillas) on his chilli seed site. According to my records I first grew it in 2013

TFM “Trenton Farmers Market” (Lawenceville New Jersey) first appeared on the c2cpepper forum site in November 2008 (Potawie forum member)
Bobby is a hard working farmer who with his family grow a lot of different crops mostly hemp but also has chillies for the local farmers markets. I only concentrated on the White/Cream variety with the help of Jara a fellow European chilli fanatic. Only saving seed from the best shaped pods the variety is starting to stabilise. Send me a DM

So who came first … Allen Boatman called his variety TFM (True Form) and it was sold by Peter Merle (Semillas) on his chilli seed site. According to my records I first grew it in 2013

TFM “Trenton Farmers Market” (Lawenceville New Jersey) first appeared on the c2cpepper forum site in November 2008 (Potawie forum member)
DM sent.