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Create your own Limerick


....artistic license?

Oh where in the world is Pi?
I've looked for her low and high.
She started this topic
And then she just dropped it
I really can't fathom why?

I'll give it another try,
To look for the fair lass Pi.
She must've gone looking
For a man's home cooking
Ended up with his hand on her thigh!

There are some wonderful, creative limericks in this thread.

This is awesome : )

Thanks everyone...
Petey the Vegetarian Vampire

Petey's dad said, Why not bite and join the clan?"

If he did he would be a man.

Petey wanted to join the clan,

He wanted to be a vampire man.

The thought of biting a human neck,

Grossed him out. What the heck?

He went to his best friend Darrian,

"I feel that I'm a vegetarian."

Darrian thought that was kinda neat,

But asked if that was all he'd eat.

"I like veggies! What the heck?

Do you think I HAVE to bite a neck?"

Together they formed a plan,

He'd bite a tomato not a man.

The juice they thought would look the same,

And his dad would not think him lame.

Well Petey passed with flying colors.

Soon he was joined with all the others.

Maybe someday he would bite a neck,

But for now it was veggies, what the heck.
I grow peppers for their heat,

I dry, then powder, then eat.

While my grow space is cramped and quite small,

I still worry, and stress for them all.

My days are filled with the thought,

Of was that the best one I bought.

Should I add a Fatalli, a Maruga or Thai,

I love the burn, the sweat, the cry.

Over all I must say that THP made me this way.

Thank you my friends, and have a good day.
If Peter Piper put his pickled peppers in properly prepared pepper poppers would they contain beacon?

And would Peter Piper's peppers put potential pepper pussies in pain?

This is not made by me, but I read it somewhere 30 years ago and somehow it stuck:
There was a young lady named Mabel
who said: I don't think that I'm able
but I'm willing to try so where shall I lie
on the bed or the floor or the table?
People say that Mabel lied upon the bed, the floor, the table. But try as she will she did not like Bill so became the Mabel unable.
Bill he was a little miffed,

With his bat he had only wiffed.

Bill took his bat, his bed, his table,

Rode away and cussed out Mabel.
"Bill you're just a little boy,

Ride away and take your toy".

Mabel shouted with an devilish grin.

"Your little bat is just to thin".
Bill he rode and thought a timely ponder,

Faster and faster he rode away yonder.

Would seeking revenge solve this matter?

Would kickin her ass make him a batter?

No, thought he as he rode.

He was better that she

and it showed.