Do you have any references to research that shows a flower can accept pollen from one donor?
I'm thinking you mean research that shows a flower can accept pollen from only one donor.
I'm working on it.
Do you have any references to research that shows a flower can accept pollen from one donor?
oh ok, gotcha, well in that case, I will just keep mixing and matching and creating crosses until I get a pod that I like, then take it and germinate all it's seeds and see which one I like out of that.. hopefully by the begining of the summer/spring I should have some pods coming out, and be able to get a few crossed pods, and if I like some I will just grow those seeds this summer just to get some pods and see if any come out cool from the F1 generations, and give the others away or something since I will have a bunch of other peppers I'm over wintering already..should be cool to see what comes out for everyone this summer