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review Crispee's Datil Pepper St. Augustine Style Hot Sauce Review!

Another review well done. You certainly have the knack for it.  Here was my take, sent via PM to Crispee-FL, don't think he'd mind....
The Datil Pepper St. Augustine Style was great as well. Sweet with just enough heat. I think folks that don't even like hot sauce would enjoy the hell out of it. I liked the consistency and (in spite of my Carolina leanings toward vinegar) I think it would be great on some pulled pork or ribs! Great one and I could definitely again see a market for this one. Bravo!
You will definitely enjoy the others. He is gonna do well.
If you want to remember how to pronounce it, just think of all those stupid Datil pun sauce names, like Datil Dew It lol. Glad Crispee stayed away from Dat! ;)
Crispee-FL said:
Wow thanks Ed!
I really enjoyed it. I think the wife and I will smash through this bottle pretty quick. The only reason I gave the aroma a lower score was because the flavor profile didn't match the nose. Not necessarily a bad thing but the flavor is really on point and when it hits the nose, it's mostly tomato. Either way, great sauce and well made for sure!
I don't mind an aroma description but I feel it doesn't need a score. I mean, if it smells like nothing is that 0? Or 10? Or 5 in the middle? lol. If it smells like vinegar is it low? But it's Louisiana sauce? Etc.
Same with consistency. Some are supposed to be thick or thin so I like an analysis but not a score. (not that you did ;))
The Hot Pepper said:
I don't mind an aroma description but I feel it doesn't need a score. I mean, if it smells like nothing is that 0? Or 10? Or 5 in the middle? lol. If it smells like vinegar is it low? But it's Louisiana sauce? Etc.
Same with consistency. Some are supposed to be thick or thin so I like an analysis but not a score. (not that you did ;))
I'm still playing around with different ideas on how to score things. It's like trying to explain the color blue to a blind person. Been doing a lot of research on how other food competitions are judged and none of the criteria really applies to hot sauce all the well.. I'll be trying different things. Still working on it.
The Hot Pepper said:
I'm guessing fusilli
I thought about something more exotic (didn’t know if we’re talking homemade or not…), but then thought, ‘Why not just spaghetti?’ as that’s what most people always have on hand – the classic! Capellini/Angel hair is oh so nice though and is kind of more my fav since you can really load a fork up with it and its general mouth-feel is just satisfying.
I’m going against myself being a long time fettuccine fan, but if it turns out to be something like tagliatelli then I’ll be really impressed!
So spaghetti is my guess (Spaghetti alla Crispee-Carbonara perhaps? ;) ). 
The sauce looks and sounds great (I've yet to try anything Datil related myself), so thanks for the review Edmick!

The combination with the pasta was kinda like I expected. It paired very well but to be honest, it's not surprising. This sauce (in my opinion) can cross boarders pretty easily. I can see myself using it in a wide variety of cultural dishes. My wife really enjoyed it too.
Edmick said:
The combination with the pasta was kinda like I expected. It paired very well but to be honest, it's not surprising. This sauce (in my opinion) can cross boarders pretty easily. I can see myself using it in a wide variety of cultural dishes. My wife really enjoyed it too.
Once again thank you all so much for the encouragement, it means a lot coming from this community.
My favorite way of having this sauce is with grilled shrimp, steamed or raw calms and oysters. Works well as a replacement for cocktail sauce.
A lot of people have used it in place of ketchup, on burgers, fries and hot dogs. Some others use it like a salsa.