labels-artwork Crispee’s New Logo

Thought I would share and see what you all think.
Looks great buddy. I would recommend putting the "rubs" at the bottom of the label in the middle though. It would make it more symmetrical. Especially since the phoenix is a symmetrical figure and it's a round label.
Grass Snake said:
You have a website?
We are working on finalizing the website before publishing it, as well as finishing up some of the legalities.
The Hot Pepper said:
I feel like on a bottle a lot of this will get lost. Bigger, bolder! And the star looks so random. What does the red star mean? Why is it there?
I would have to agree that it can get lost on a bottle label after seeing a mock up applied to a 5oz woozy bottle. The star does have significance.
Grass Snake said:
Not random, he has a the same star in his profile pic. I am now curious to know the meaning behind the star. Fill us in Crispy.
Both the star and the Phoenix are not random, kinda a long story I will explain after work today.
I'm picturing it like this...
The "ring" (between the 2 lines) is solid black, the letters are white, it only says "Crispee's Pepper Co." The other stuff is products you sell, that doesn't really go in a logo and creates clutter. I would also have the wings spread beyond the circle. This makes the bird discernible, the text pop, and keeps it clean.
The red star at the top of a circle to me looks like Heineken.
Of course these are just comments, if you use it as is, still looks good and hopefully the sauce is. :)
My personal preference is Sauces - Rubs - Spices on the website, and business card, in text below logo, not in it... and if on the bottle, maybe on the back or bottom of logo. It's a cluttered look, like Kraft cheese, they are not telling you they also sell mayonnaise on the cheese packet in the logo. Keep it clean and crisp(ee). Just my 2¢.