seed-plant-vendors Cross Country Nurseries Retiring

CCN is planning another go for the 2020 season. They could not find a buyer for the business yet so they will be taking orders again soon.

Big 2020 Update!!
We were really taken aback by all of the kindest messages and well wishes sent our way! It brings us great delight to hear of all of the happiness provided with our plants and products. Growing and sharing these varied fruits brought us so much joy. We recognize the joy that it brings to you too.
After much vetting and a bit of a roller coaster ride... we realized that we just haven’t yet found the right person to take over ChilePlants. Nobody seems quite right for the task, although we admit we are rather picky. We continue to receive requests from interested parties and we continue looking for the perfect fit.
Meanwhile, emboldened by the outpouring of appreciation from our customers, members of our own staff have agreed to take on running the business in 2020! We have a devoted team here and we’re happy that the fiery legacy will continue on... in the hands of people who love ChilePlants the most.
So please sit back, relax, and look forward to perusing all of the tasty varieties that we’ll have for your gardening pleasure this year. We have some neat new ones! Mark your calendars for the start of our 37th season... we begin accepting orders on January 1st.
Wishing you an abundant new gardening year!