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breeding Cross pollination - how to minimize or avoid it?

If I have my plants outside, is the only real way to just cover them with a net? I assume if a bee or other bug goes on one flower then hops on another flower from a different plant, that it would be cross pollinated. I have a bunch of different plants in close proximity so I'm thinking if I should maybe group them together at least - all orange habs on one side and all chocolate habs on another...etc or is it pointless to do so?
I think I'm going to try and do the grouping of pepper types but after thinking much about it, I will not worry about the cross. I should enjoy the hobby and not worry too much :) Who knows, maybe I will end up with some interesting peppers next season.

I think even wind can pollenate. So netting just helps you chances of true seed.
THere ya go. Wind can pollinate. Your hands can. It's actually pretty easy. But yeah Unless you really need to protect the seed stock i wouldn't worry.
I do make an effort to isolate flowers for trading, but still save some OP seeds hoping to get an interesting cross. Wind can cross pollinate, but it is a very low chance with the blossom covered, especially if the flower is pointing down.
