Hello, Cruzzfish here. I was thinking of making my own strains of peppers, both for a hobby and a research project, and would like opinions of what would be a good idea to try. I was thinking for growing three strains of each cross to get max genetic diversity without talking up an infernal amount of space.
I was thinking:
Ghost scorpion pink x carolina reaper (I think enough people are trying this as is, let me know if it wouldn't be a good idea)
Reaper x sunrise scorpion
sunrise scorpion x 7 pod giant
halloween pepper (pumpkin hab x ghost scorpion/reaper*unsure of which)
roatan hab x giant white hab
carolina reaper x chocolate bhutlah, if I can ask the growers for a flower off of one to use the pollen of, if not then a chocolate butch t or chocolate moruga(if I can find seeds of those, pepperlover nor refiningfire have them)
yellow moruga x jays pink ghost
scorpion cardi x reaper
I was thinking:
Ghost scorpion pink x carolina reaper (I think enough people are trying this as is, let me know if it wouldn't be a good idea)
Reaper x sunrise scorpion
sunrise scorpion x 7 pod giant
halloween pepper (pumpkin hab x ghost scorpion/reaper*unsure of which)
roatan hab x giant white hab
carolina reaper x chocolate bhutlah, if I can ask the growers for a flower off of one to use the pollen of, if not then a chocolate butch t or chocolate moruga(if I can find seeds of those, pepperlover nor refiningfire have them)
yellow moruga x jays pink ghost
scorpion cardi x reaper