I know I ran across something on a forum somewhere within this realm, where there was a genetic % of results for each year of grow-out for a cross. It was a hand-written note deal but split out the percentages of what you would expect year after year over eight years to bring a cross to stability. I didn't save or mark it, and I can't seem to find it. Some of the plants I have came from sources with undisclosed origins, but I have clear variations in pepper morphology in one particular "red bhut" All my others are thin skinned, pimply, pointy, and hot. This one plant is smooth-skinned, blunt-nosed, and seems to ripen differently (Orange first, then red?). The others go to a deeper orange-red and then deep red. I think I will be isolating this and growing out the successive seeds, to see what we come up with, but I suspect this plant was crossed with something before going to market.