Crunch time

CAPCOM said:
Why would there be an attempt to overturn a ban on a product that is not being produced. That does not make any sense at all and there in lies the fruit of misinformation.
Search the archives on the forum. the info you seek is already here.
The ban relates to the active ingredients, and it's not just in the US.
solid7 said:
The ban relates to the active ingredients, and it's not just in the US.
Then it is not as you stated, an attempt to lift the ban on guardian.
Outside of the *.*mectin that was added later, the active ingredients were all organic as per the proper permits issued here in the states. It was tested and approved organic and safe for use everywhere in most of the states, maybe all had signed off by the time the issues arose. Your starting to prove my point.
You need to go to the beginning where it was approved outside of the US. How did that happen?
Why would it matter even if something is organic, if it has harmful effects?  Stop trying to make me out to be some sort of activist.
Guardian was pulled because they lied about active ingredients. The ingredient in question, which you chose to redact, was abamectin.  Not only was their inclusion a breach of public trust, but the active ingredient not safe for the prescribed use.  Regardless of half-lifes, or fecal recovery percentages, it's still incredibly toxic to aquatic life and honeybees, and has toxicity and reproductive implications in humans.
Sorry, I just can't get excited about a company that lies, nor can I justify ingredients that have those kinds of side effects. 
I don't like nuclear bombs either, so I suppose that just means I'm not fit to live...
solid7 said:
Why would it matter even if something is organic, if it has harmful effects?  Stop trying to make me out to be some sort of activist.
Guardian was pulled because they lied about active ingredients. The ingredient in question, which you chose to redact, was abamectin.  Not only was their inclusion a breach of public trust, but the active ingredient not safe for the prescribed use.  Regardless of half-lifes, or fecal recovery percentages, it's still incredibly toxic to aquatic life and honeybees, and has toxicity and reproductive implications in humans.
Sorry, I just can't get excited about a company that lies, nor can I justify ingredients that have those kinds of side effects. 
I don't like nuclear bombs either, so I suppose that just means I'm not fit to live...
Like I said, you are misinformed about something, it appears you know nothing about except what you have read, which equates to hearsay. I am not going to waste my time any longer. I know more about this product then you ever will. I am done.
CAPCOM said:
Like I said, you are misinformed about something, it appears you know nothing about except what you have read, which equates to hearsay. I am not going to waste my time any longer. I know more about this product then you ever will. I am done.
Yeah, you know more than everyone because it's a product that you like.  I get it.

I also know who the second shooter on the grassy knoll was, and where they filmed the moon landing.  I'm just not going to tell you, because you are not worthy.  And because invoking secrecy and esotericism is always the best way to win a debate.  Now, having made my point, excuse me, while I wheel on out of here like a petulant little bitch.  Hahahaha!!!!
What a joke of a defense you make.   You are irresponsible, for supporting a product that was deemed dangerous to groups of sentient beings who weren't winter indoor growers in Illinois.   Whatever, man.  Out of sight, out of mind.  You can take comfort in the fact that most other people in the world only care about what directly affects them, also. :)
Guys guys, relax, we need to worry about real problems!  Like the dangerous drug Mairjuana, the government told me its bad!
Posible frost this weekend. I have a dozen or more to come in for the winter. Also hunting this weekend. Makes for an interesting excercise of time, as the room isn't quite ready.
CAPCOM said:
Posible frost this weekend. I have a dozen or more to come in for the winter. Also hunting this weekend. Makes for an interesting excercise of time, as the room isn't quite ready.
Dang it's already looking like frost in IL?!?  

I'm in North West MO and weather still looks okay for the next 14 days at least, forecasted to be low-mid 50's for nights here
They're saying a chance on Saturday which means, leave them out and it will be a hard frost. Bring them in and temp won't drop below 50°.
Malarky said:
is 38 F too close for comfort?
It is not catastrophic, but is stressful. I have had b.morugas survive a hard frost with only canopy leaves taking the hit. However, if you are planning on extending the season into the next, it is best not to subject you plants to any unnecessary stresses.
Supposed to get down to 37° tonight. Not taking any chances.