Last year, I drilled a bunch holes from the bottom of a 5 gal bucket to about 2/3 up the side and lined it with landscape fabric to keep the dirt in.  Sort of a test to see if it would improve growth like plants in bags.  The datil in it seemed pretty happy and was loaded with pods.  I've seen someone else on this site (forgot who) do something like it as well.
- Tick
I wouldn't unless you were growing in a 10 gal plus size pot. Or you dont mind watering everyday to twice a day as I suspect you would be doing if we have a typical summer. I grew in 3.5 gal pots last year, didn't get nearly the early start you did this year and I was litterally watering wilting plants everyday as I got home from work. These pots BTW were standard growers pots without the modification we are discussing. I would think a couple dozen night crawlers would naturally do the same thing with benefits.
megahot said:
Heres what the pot looks like that I use.
Dude at the garden store says its all he uses. He showed me massive rootball pics.

Bigger rootball makes a bigger and healthier plant. The only downfall to air pots is that you have to water them more often
Jon, how is the soil/mix retained in the pot?
mpicante said:
This would definitely be an interesting project to try out.MEGAHOTS air pot looks interesting.Was wondering how much those cost?and I believe Frank has a nice idea on achieving the same results as the air pot,with what would appear to be substantial savings.Student of spice I would love to know how these work out.
Absolutely I will post pictures of them in a couple more weeks
megahot said:
Heres what the pot looks like that I use.
Dude at the garden store says its all he uses. He showed me massive rootball pics.

Bigger rootball makes a bigger and healthier plant. The only downfall to air pots is that you have to water them more often
Yes, but the root ball is constrained by the size of the container. the root still has boundaries it cannot breach and I have had root balls fill every void of a container with out, in my opinion weakening the structural integrity of the container. I use growers containers because they last for a long time. Start cutting a bunch of holes in them and you may as well go to fabric grow bags. Probably a lot less expensive to bhut.
Student of Spice said:
Wouldn't it be basically the same thing in theory then if he drills enough holes in the side as the air pot? If it is the same then the benefits would be the same, no? I have just tried this on five buckets for some peppers so I will be able to report about my individual results later, but at this point they are very healthy looking and starting to surpass the plants in my garden which were planted a month prior.
My vote is YES :think: