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Curling leaves on super hots?

Looking around this morning, I noticed these leaves were curling downwards...
anyone know what this is or causing it?
      Thats strange,above and below look good.Is this the only plant like it?With all your good growth,if it was mine and the only one.I would pinch them.But don't do it till the pro's chime in. ;)
It is very odd that only the select leaves exhibit the problem. Being that it is highly localized and not systemic id say look for a pest issue on the leaves in question first. I notice in one of the pics that the problem leaves also have holes. Clip them and thoroughly inspect would be my first action.

...have you changed anything recently with the plants, or has there been any out of the ordinary conditions lately for them?
I have the exact same issue on about 1/3rd my plants. There is no rhyme or reason that I can tell. I am going to spray them since the only thing I see are red spider mites and they are nasty sap suckers. 
I sprayed them with neem this morning, did find a few critters but nothing on the leaves that are affected.
They are crunchy to the touch and not soft like the other leaves.
I am thinking pests as well, last year in my basil there were bugs that had injected sticky stuff on leaves and curled them up like that to hide their eggs.. Turned out to be a type of caterpillar.
I did put down a good bit of blood meal when i saw they were losing some greenery. Possibly too much?
No sticky residue or anything under them.

Upon closer inspection, I am finding elongated holes on the leaves...
just found this with some serious surfing and searching....
I always had some misshaped/curled/odd leaves after transplanting out. Then when they got bigger everything turned out fine.
Don't know about the weather there, but here it is just starting to get hot enough constantly. Could play a role.