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chinense Current Consensus on Aji Panca?

Hi Everyone,

I have potentially squeezed one more pepper onto my grow list next year, the Aji Panca. It sounds so interesting that I had to! I'm curious what the consensus is on ease of growing, productivity, and earliness? After reading through some GLOGS and threads where it is mentioned, it sounds like it might have some unique characteristics or potential challenges. Thanks so much for your advice!
I wish I had pictures however the description should do it.
My two plants grew very large, tall & wide. each plant had 1 pod & no more flowers it looked as if they tapped into a N20-0-0 fertilizer source.
I ended up removing them so the smaller plants in back could get light. The 2 pods got ripe & looked, smelled & tasted fantastic.

Like the Chili Chilaca aka pasilla bajio,it takes too long in my terroir for this late type peppers.

Chili chalaca. right before a killing frost, note pods are dark green not ripe black.

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Hi Everyone,

I have potentially squeezed one more pepper onto my grow list next year, the Aji Panca. It sounds so interesting that I had to! I'm curious what the consensus is on ease of growing, productivity, and earliness? After reading through some GLOGS and threads where it is mentioned, it sounds like it might have some unique characteristics or potential challenges. Thanks so much for your advice!

I grew Aji panca, not a bad pepper. Big plant, not really early, rather productive. I would grow it again.
@ahayastani @CaneDog @Marturo thanks for the input. Did you recognize if it has any eccentricities as far as sun, moisture, fertilizer or other growing conditions, or is is best treated like other chinenses (full sun, rich soil, etc.)?

Not a fifi plant at all, al least under my growing conditions. At some point, the plant become too big for its container and I had to water more frequently.
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Huge plant and as others have already said far from being early. Not suitable for my short growing season...