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chinense Current Consensus on Cili Goronong?

I'm doing a little early planning on what I'd like to grow next year, and have room for another yellow chinense in my collection. I've been growing yellow scotch bonnets, Fataliis, and other nice yellow chinenses for a long time and would like to rotate in something new, and am considering adding Cili Goronong (sourced from Baker Creek) to the mix. I'm wondering what others' experiences are with this pepper, is it a must-grow, etc.? Thanks for any info you can share!
I was just about to post this same question! I put in an order for the BC Goronong seeds a couple days ago, then got curious. Interested to hear from folks who have grown them.
The Goronong is an interesting yellow hab type. I found it to be slightly sweet, slightly tropical fruity taste, and with a fairly toned-down chinense flavor. The flavor reminded me a little of the Grenada Seasoning pepper, except that the Goronong is much hotter. I would say it peaks around Orange Hab level, although the Goronong's burn starts much lower and has a much slower build up than an Orange Hab. It is a nice pepper, but not one of my personal favorites. Certainly not a "must grow" for me. I would probably pick a classic yellow Bonnet over this one myself. To me, the yellow Bonnet is just a more intensely flavorful pepper. But I think the Goronong might be worth growing if you like yellow chinenses and have never tried it. After all, taste is an individual thing, and your opinion about the Goronong might be different from mine.
The Goronong is an interesting yellow hab type. I found it to be slightly sweet, slightly tropical fruity taste, and with a fairly toned-down chinense flavor. The flavor reminded me a little of the Grenada Seasoning pepper, except that the Goronong is much hotter. I would say it peaks around Orange Hab level, although the Goronong's burn starts much lower and has a much slower build up than an Orange Hab. It is a nice pepper, but not one of my personal favorites. Certainly not a "must grow" for me. I would probably pick a classic yellow Bonnet over this one myself. To me, the yellow Bonnet is just a more intensely flavorful pepper. But I think the Goronong might be worth growing if you like yellow chinenses and have never tried it. After all, taste is an individual thing, and your opinion about the Goronong might be different from mine.

@BlackFatalii this is good input, thank you!