Curses! 14 years old and #@$%* MySpace

the666bbq said:
about the similar lesson for the boys : you could say all boys grow a purple peter pepper in their pants, based on the experience she has with peppers she will not even come close to boys and their thingies....


I do not want to discuss boys or any of their parts with her. The further away we stay from boys and their parts, the happier I am. When backed into a corner, I will try to have a rational discussion about boys and their parts, but don't think for one second that I'm not shrieking in dismay on the inside. While I might being saying something like, "My but she must have low self-esteem to let boys treat her that way" on the outside, on the inside I am saying "ARGH! ICK EWWWWWWWWW!! Ring, phone, ring! Someebody help me, please!!!!!"

I am single! I am childless! I'm not supposed to have to do this!!
dreamtheatervt said:
Give her a chemistry text book to read. That way she'll be busy, learn something useful, and you won't have to worry about her as much because careers in chemistry will absolutely destroy your social life :) . If that doesn't work I'm sure you can find a use for a heavy blunt object :lol:

She's mad for books with dragons or vampires. Do you have any chemistry books with dragons or vampires in them?
Pam said:
She's mad for books with dragons or vampires. Do you have any chemistry books with dragons or vampires in them?

I don't, but if with some creativity you could incorporate them into on one I guess. The firey breath of a dragon could be thought of as hydrocarbons being ignited by a flame, and acid breathing dragons is simple...humans naturally produce hydrochloric acid, so its not a stretch to say dragons don't as well. Acid + metal armor = metal chloride + water + hydrogen gas. I've got to think about vampires though...maybe a biochemistry book could handle that.
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