Cutting board seeds.

You will see it again I am sure, but not sure about doing 2nd place... Forgot how light a big pile of powder is. Got a little for myself after weighing the others out, but lucky for me I still have some in the fridge to smoke and make more for the house.
Nice job with this JustAGuy....I missed the whole thang, been up to my neck in pepper pods for the past 48hrs !!! [I would have added up everyone's guesses and taken the average!]

+1 on the powder issue. Amazing how many pods you need for a couple ounces of fine powder :eek:
+1 on the powder issue. Amazing how many pods you need for a couple ounces of fine powder :eek:
Just counted and luckily still have 71 scorps that didn't hit the freezer yet so more will be made. Also 1.5 pound of bhuts that I think will get an apple/cherry smoke to try and get close to what buddy sent me last year which was sooooo good.
Received the seeds and powder today. Between that and another box of peppers I got, my mailbox was quite fragrant.

Justaguy...that smoked powder was real good.

Thanks again!
I also received some powder from Justaguy and it is Excellent! Great smokey flavor along with nice burn. Apparently I lack the cajones to use it all at once :banghead:

Indy :onfire:
Oh heck no I didn't use it all at once...just licked my finger and dipped it in the bag. :mouthonfire: The rest will probably be mixed in with some sea salt for general use, the rest of the family is not quite up to speed on spicy things....