Cutting question

I went to buy a Hass Avocado and ran across this at one of the vendors...
Our Grafted Avocados Produce up to 7 Years Sooner than Seed Grown trees.. We take a hardy avocado root stock and graft on a cutting from a mature avocado tree, proven to produce delicious fruit. So your tree thinks it's grown up and starts making fruit. This is the same process used for commercial orchards, but is not always used for the home market.
DMF said:
I twigged to something last night. 
Every single Haas avocado tree is a clone of a single tree.  Haas clones have been made from clones for the past 80 years, making current clone DNA 90 years old.
Now, perhaps there is an absolute lifespan implied by the little shoelace caps.  The more interesting question is, so what?  Does that fact have practical implications?  It doesn't seem to for avocados.  Why would we think it does for peppers?
Its the same with Navel Oranges.They dont produce seeds so every Navel orange tree ever grown has been from a cutting.The original mutation happened over 200 years ago
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DMF said:
I twigged to something last night. 
Every single Haas avocado tree is a clone of a single tree.  Haas clones have been made from clones for the past 80 years, making current clone DNA 90 years old.
Now, perhaps there is an absolute lifespan implied by the little shoelace caps.  The more interesting question is, so what?  Does that fact have practical implications?  It doesn't seem to for avocados.  Why would we think it does for peppers?
This is true of most fruit trees. Look at the base of the truck. They are all grafted. They grow a tree then hack it off and graft a cutting. I just read about it this past year. Blew my mind. Lol
SavinaRed said:
What is the process for a pepper cutting to sprout roots ?
I'm just noticing this question now.
I just put the stem in water and 4-6 weeks later roots form at the bottom.  I have a 100% success rate with this simple method, without using hormones, gels, or oxygen producing pumps.  
dragon49 said:
I'm just noticing this question now.
I just put the stem in water and 4-6 weeks later roots form at the bottom.  I have a 100% success rate with this simple method, without using hormones, gels, or oxygen producing pumps.  
I did that with some basil but didn't know it would work with peppers. I will try it with some choc hab and fatalis.
stevie said:

a pot plant isn't a pepper plant. last i remember you cannot take cuttings from a flowering pot plant because some how you have to stress it and force it back into vegetative growth by manipulating the amount of light hours it gets, and even doing that chance of success is slim., pepper plant does not matter at what point you take a cutting, it's obviously better if you don't take a cutting from a terminal that already has already flowers on it. a pepper plant is in constant vegetative growth and flowering stages simultaneously. once a marijuana plant grows flowers it is DONE, it won't grow much at all after that.
here is a Tabasco cutting i took from a mature plant loaded with chiles:

transplanted about a month later

so much for "flowering on day 1"

no flowers in sight, it's growing as if it were started from seed as i mentioned above, it looks exactly like the mother plant which was started from seed. maybe i should ask the cutting if it knows where it came from and what year it was amputated..
i'm done.
cheers, have a good day.
stevie said:

a pot plant isn't a pepper plant. last i remember you cannot take cuttings from a flowering pot plant because some how you have to stress it and force it back into vegetative growth by manipulating the amount of light hours it gets, and even doing that chance of success is slim., pepper plant does not matter at what point you take a cutting, it's obviously better if you don't take a cutting from a terminal that already has already flowers on it. a pepper plant is in constant vegetative growth and flowering stages simultaneously. once a marijuana plant grows flowers it is DONE, it won't grow much at all after that.
here is a Tabasco cutting i took from a mature plant loaded with chiles:

transplanted about a month later

so much for "flowering on day 1"

no flowers in sight, it's growing as if it were started from seed as i mentioned above, it looks exactly like the mother plant which was started from seed. maybe i should ask the cutting if it knows where it came from and what year it was amputated..
i'm done.
cheers, have a good day.
here is what a rooted cutting from a plant that is actually flowering looks like
yes flowers from day 1