• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food

so.... again this is my 1st year of planting peppers... i know i know some i bought at the store/arborateum/people but i also planted some frome seeds and have learned so much.... here are a couple of my mistakes
my girls decided to help daddy and put a TON of water in these bhuts...
what can i do to revive them???
started off strong now this.... why did it become weak like this???
purchased some jamaican scotch bonnets from TRADEWINDS... and this is what i got so for from this packetno i didn't mislabel them or did i mix my seeds up...will the real jamaican please stand up...
other pics can be found on herehttp://thehotpepper....started-a-blog/http://thehotpepper....ot-pepper-pics/
We need to have a SoCal BBQ. Meet up maybe at temecula. Melissa from corona you're in SD Shane's in poway. Fernando in LA. Mafwiz is 3 mins from me. I Was just there in valley view casino for dinner buffet.

Definitely have to hit up with each other have beer and be merry with our pods
shit, have a BBQ at Mission Bay in SD! or we can all meet at my buddies sausage/craft beer bar!
2 reasons why not to let pods ripen more


Orange habs from Kmart. ?! I guess its a different strain from my HD ones

Thanks Shane your. Carib red is finally setting pods.

Geez brother! Your LG Yellow 7's are looking awesome! Of the 2 I kept 1 is turning out chocolate pods and the other is yellow, but your pod shape looks better than mine thus far! Looks like you picked a winner there! Hope they turn yellow for you, but there's no telling. Everything is looking great man.
Wow Denniz your plants look awesome!!!!
JMe... THANK YOU from my mouth to my other end... guys like you are truly paying it forward... my turn shall come up this season.. although ive already been sharing evrything ive received from THP... thanks

It's looking good nice pods and plants :dance:
likewise.. i love your different varieites.. some id would love to grow next year.. thnks for dropping by

Looking great Denniz! You have a ton of plants goin crazy! Keep up the reviews, top notch brother!
MATTT thats a pepper plantation you have there... YOURE crazy... my plants however have a differrent reaction with in ground and container.. my containers have exceeded the one grounded..ill do my best to catch up to you guys REVIEW!!

Great looking pods the 7pod/pot mystery looks like my 7 pot/pod jonah, but wont fully know for sure until it ripens
Fernando my buddy... i cannot wait to see what it becomes...no since its a mystery of some sort.. when would i get it...lol

Geez brother! Your LG Yellow 7's are looking awesome! Of the 2 I kept 1 is turning out chocolate pods and the other is yellow, but your pod shape looks better than mine thus far! Looks like you picked a winner there! Hope they turn yellow for you, but there's no telling. Everything is looking great man.
Shane .. YOU picked out a winner.. now my only thing is.. is it podding lika mofo since its in a 3 gal persay..?? or is it justa WINNER... on a sad note.. your manzano is starting to show the same symptoms as the other plants ive gotten from you.. scared since i have a congo with forasium wilt(i tnk) thats next to you podding carib red.. dont know if i should remove just the congo .. or remove yours 1st. thn the infected congo,,

very nice. great looking chiles. good luck with the rest of the growing season.
thanks buddy.....

Nice little rake there bro. I got them seeds in the mail for you today so hopefully you'll get em this week still?!
hey hey.. that rake is solely for smacking the japanese beetles thats hovering over my citrus plants...ive smacked a few already with it... if you sent them today.. should get it by friday if not saturday...going to the PO right now

well folks thanks for dropping by.. off to get some manure... and more potting soil... before i go.. buddy of mine in APT complex wants to feed his 2 6" nagas and a red bhut i gave him thats over a foot.. flowers are dropping.. what nutes should he give it..hes a volunteer grower..so not really into this growing hobby....

made some rearrangments....


superhots (trinidads)

my in ground chili and other veggie

trying to revive smokemasters plants.. yellow bhut..TS brown....red fatalii.. manzano trying to give it more sun due to my moms overwatering..
and trying to find a way to isolate the TS chocolate...

Bhut camp-----bottom right is the BUTCH-T that was stuck on stupid a month ago

bakers creek MUSTARD habs....then..Jss-Ken's Butch T x douglah in the 6 pack.then MEGA's super hot mysteries

Aergraduates geting some soft window sun

and some soon to graduates
a few more pictures from todays tour wih the plants...


Red bhuts from the bhut camp

chocolate bhut in its new home..

NuMex twilight

1st peach bhut

"ebay trinidad 7 pot yellow" --- does it look like its looking true?

Red Congos

My Mantis posing the yellow 7 large...
something was leaving little hearts on my aero.. mind you i had it hardening outside.. so hence why i have pests....

the culprit

satan's kiss rootball


why lightbulbs need to be changed every 6months... look how bright new ones are
Looking good Denniz, I use shade cloth exactly like that(same color and all), works great! I dig those purple tomatillos, wish mine would stop dropping flowers!
Oh yeah, just got some persian and armenian seeds from you today, not sure when they were sent, no postmark, but thank you. Now I've got plenty for later mmmwwhaaahaaa. :cool:

Fremp---$31 at HD I believe. 6x20. Works great on super hot summer days. This am (0900) temp was already at 82. Go glad they are beig shaded

Emoney---well I found it and it was ready to go. No use unpacking it. ...lol of 7 plants that's the only 1 I've harvested. Hahaha so it's not just you
Met up with LDHS...awesome guy. Don't really meet up WTH THP members. Don't feel like getting mugged. Hahaha. But great guy. Very informational. Thanks to buffalo bills brewery for providing chips. Sauces was good. Being new to this hot stuff. I love it. Will have a video review later.
Got a few bottles of each. When you can't decide which to get.. Best to have one of each.

Thanks for the drink.
