• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

D3's 2018. This will be a good year.

2018 already, time sure does fly by  :shocked:
Been a member on this forum a few years now (2013?). This has to be a record for me. I usually change hobbies by now. Maybe it's because we get a few months down time to relax and take a break from caring for plants. 
Here's the growlogs of the past
D3 2017 Keeping it mild
D3monic's Crossing Project/Community Grow
D3's 2016 Growlog
D3monic's 2015 Glog. Lots of pods
D3monic's 2014 Glog n Gardening bonanza
I'm getting things ready for this years grow. Looking at adding a new grow light for seedlings. I had some nice LED ones but they are starting to go out and my t5 fixture stopped working. Probably the ballast but who knows. 
I'm looking at ordering this one https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019J3UPUS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=A18TGAB2SJ5GBJ&psc=1 I just need to make sure it will fit on my bakers shelf right. Should be plenty bright enough for plant starts. 
I haven't come up with a list of plants for this year yet. I know it's going to be mostly my crosses with maybe a few I plan on crossing and some for hotsauce. 
Nice. it looks like there is way more room then i woulda thought. Goona try to build one from scratch this spring. Prolly goona end up regretting it. So if it sux or I don't like it I'll prolly just get that one.
It's fairly roomy. I can stand up straight in the center and it can hold quite a few plant trays with the shelves I built. Next house we get i'd like to build a bigger one. 
Thanks guy, hopefully get into the greenhouse soon. Its not very well insulated so still not safe with nighttime temps.

Im excited for both the congo and the reaper with purple foliage cant wait to see what the pods look like.

Both seeds were from my 2015 grow and none those where isolated. Apparently either pink tiger or yaki brown had some potent pollen.
 a few pics while watering








The Orange thai peppers are getting big fast. Lots of flowers too. Very thirsty plants, they dry out and wilt long before all the others. 

really interesting foliage on this peach naga x bbg7. Both plants have the same structure. Almost serrated leaves.


Swiss Chocolate

Not reaper dropped a lot of its lower foliage but keeps shooting straight up. It's finally starting to fork. 

Everything is looking great here but damn, orange thai and not reaper are freakishly tall. Not reaper must be f2 behaving like that
Genetikx said:
Everything is looking great here but damn, orange thai and not reaper are freakishly tall. Not reaper must be f2 behaving like that
Probably f1. The reaper seeds I had where iso in 2015. I grew it un-isolated and saved seeds from a pod with a really wicked tail. This is my first time growing out those seeds.

Only purple plants I had that year was yaki brown right next to it, purple tiger 6 away and fidalga roxa on other side of the yard. Im leaning toward yaki brown being donor but will see when pods develop