Great review, as usual, Peter! D3 was kind enough to send me a few sauces a few weeks back too. My thoughts on the Angry Jack practically echoed yours, haha. It's a fantastic sauce
I left a written review on his other thread, but I might as well paste it here too:
D3's Angry Jack:
Beautiful, vibrant, dark orange (approaching red) color. Smells a lot like 7 Pot pods, onion, and a touch of ACV. Also smells like it might also be sweet, but I think I know better, haha. Love the texture; nice and thick and silky, though I can see some rogue seeds that made it into the bottle. Tasted from a spoon, even though I was pre-warned: Wow. This f**ker is angry alright, haha. Very nice flavor; it actually is a tiny little bit sweet, but mostly tastes like straight peppers- which isn't a bad thing. Heat comes on fast and sticks around for quite a bit. Mostly tongue burn, some on the lips, and I had some sweat building up under my eyes. If you can get past the heat, this sauce really does have an amazing flavor. Proceed with caution though, lol