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Daily pepper pr0n

I visited my garden tonight to find a few more varieties have ripened. I grabbed a few off the vine, washed them off, snapped a pic, and then gave them to my new neighbors who never had very hot and fresh peppers before. I hope they don't kill themselves with these things:P:P

There's 7 different peppers here, can you guess what they are? :lol:
Pepp3rFreak said:
I visited my garden tonight to find a few more varieties have ripened. I grabbed a few off the vine, washed them off, snapped a pic, and then gave them to my new neighbors who never had very hot and fresh peppers before. I hope they don't kill themselves with these things:P:P

There's 7 different peppers here, can you guess what they are? :lol:

Dude those rock!

My guesses...Caribbean Red Hab, Chocolate Hab, Red Savina, Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia, Scorpions, Fatalli, Goobers, Raisinets, Jujyfruits, and Whoppers

I dont get why yours are so far ahead of mine though...

You gave ALL those to folks that never had very hot peppers before?

I hope you gave them a stern warning :hell:
Lovely selection of pods buddy..devils tongue/bhutts and its to early in the morning for the rest lol :lol:
Very nice pods and I bet that your neighbor will have tears in their eyes after eating them. I hope you told them they were :hot:
umhuh...wonder how yoru new neighbor is doing this morning....

good selection of fresh pods...
Skyjerk said:
Dude those rock!

I dont get why yours are so far ahead of mine though...

Actually I think I already answered my own question. You get several more hours of direct sun every day than I do.

Sadly, thats not something I can change. Ah well, next house maybe :)
Skyjerk said:
Dude those rock!

My guesses...Caribbean Red Hab, Chocolate Hab, Red Savina, Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia, Scorpions, Fatalli, Goobers, Raisinets, Jujyfruits, and Whoppers

Juju Fruits FTW!!!! bwahahhaahhaahaa, I almost spit my coffee out when I read your last few guesses.:lol:

Skyjerk and mammoccio between you guys guessed the selection between ya, Sky just missed the paper lanterns:) Oh and yes I did give these to the neighbors with thorough warning of the heat, but I was picturing the 2 of them in a fetal position crying for milk

I tell you what Skyjerk, I think you'll like the Fatalli pepper perhaps even better then the carribeans! I'm sold on them being my favorite pepper at the moment, they actually do have a delicious citrus taste and pack a burning heat that makes your forehead sweat for 5 minutes, it's awesome!!
Pepp3rFreak said:
I tell you what Skyjerk, I think you'll like the Fatalli pepper perhaps even better then the carribeans!

I dunno, I like the caribbeans an awful lot, but I'm definitely willing to give the Fatalli a shot.

Perhaps I'll develop a new sauce recipe :lol:

If you looked at my other thread called "Fear not" you saw that I more than doubled my growing space for next year, as I believe you predicted I would :cool:
Very nice pods good selection also nice image my friend I wonder how your neighbor survive the night after eating those babies.