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Dampening off

I have not had a plant exhibit dampening off for some time now. Probably 3 years or better. and then they were sprouts
Well I just lost 3 mature plants.
Well, not really lost three. Since I jumped aboard the cloning club last year, I have remedies to plant loss in many situations I did not have in years previous. I was able to top the plants and get viable clones started. I have been very careful with watering habits over the last 2 years but it just goes to show. You are never immune to the most basic of issues.
Sorry to hear about your losing plants. That sucks! But yeah, these kinds of fungi are not friends to our green plants. I had mature basil succumb a few years back. But note that it's only really considered to be damping off if the plants infected are pre-emergent or post-emergent seedlings. When it happens to mature plants it's named more after the fungus that caused it, such as fusarium wilt. Doesn't make a difference to me what they call it; I just wish it would stop! Can't always control it, as weather plays a part. 
geeme said:
Sorry to hear about your losing plants. That sucks! But yeah, these kinds of fungi are not friends to our green plants. I had mature basil succumb a few years back. But note that it's only really considered to be damping off if the plants infected are pre-emergent or post-emergent seedlings. When it happens to mature plants it's named more after the fungus that caused it, such as fusarium wilt. Doesn't make a difference to me what they call it; I just wish it would stop! Can't always control it, as weather plays a part. 
Weather or in my case growing conditions. plant were indoors. In any event it is just at this point a minor setback as both clone candidates are up and looking good.
Glad to hear your cloning is going well! Mine? Well...... let's just say I am really glad I ordered plants from CCN!  :lol:
milsman2 said:
Did you try spraying with a diluted chamomile solution when it started?
Thought you were nuts, googled it.  Thank you!  Lots of hits from people recommending a chamomile infusion in all the water used for seedlings and small plants, including misting.  Silly me thought it was just to help a guy get to sleep.
Diluted chamomile works great for mold on top of soil as well as dampening off. 4 cups of water to 1 tea bag. I actually had some seedling dampening off this year (none last year). Started using spraying the surface of plants with chamomile and had no more dampening off. Next year I'll be sing it from the start. Usually use it to soak seeds in before planting but never realized it was good for dampening off and mold until I read up on it this year.