Dangit first pepper got sampled.

Someone got it before me.  Bhut Jolokia, I had been giving it the tug test and it wouldn't budge.  Three days ago, yesterday and today.  I think the culprit is one of my hens, she will jump 3 ft straight up in the air to pluck berries off shrubs.  I had figured she would leave these alone, if I catch here I'm sure I can figure out a nice pepper and chicken dish.


Yeah, it would be nice if birds weren't immune to the effects of chiles. A nice dinner of chicken on the grill could be the perfect solution.  ;)
She gives me an egg a day so until I confirm its her shes not dead hen walking.  I had to give them a motivational speech this spring to jump start their laying.  This was the first winter they stopped laying and I had to buy eggs for the first time in 3 years, store bought eggs suck.  I think I might cut half this sucker off and try it, I've only ever eaten dried powder from these peppers.

Did the two on the table under your hand in the picture eat whole plants, or was that part of your motivational speech to leave your peppers alone?
That was a, you better start laying eggs again motivational speech.  The each normally lay an egg a day and this past winter they stopped laying for almost 2 months.  This is the first time they have taken the winter off, its normal for hens due to their 24-26 hour laying cycle and daylight hours.  This is why egg farms keep the lights on 24/7.  The brown hen in the front of the pic is the jumper and it was just ab bite out of one pepper.  The more I look at it the more I think it was a random bird.  It was a funny setup for a pic, I collected the only egg for the day as I was using my pear burner to start my smoker so I couldn't pass it up.
sirhc76 said:
She gives me an egg a day so until I confirm its her shes not dead hen walking.  I had to give them a motivational speech this spring to jump start their laying.  This was the first winter they stopped laying and I had to buy eggs for the first time in 3 years, store bought eggs suck.  I think I might cut half this sucker off and try it, I've only ever eaten dried powder from these peppers.
Lmfao...made my day...
I picked the very first ripe caribbean red habanero a couple days ago. I set it on my lap while I was sitting outside. My rooster ran up and stole it off my lap! Chickens are attracted to the color red, they can't help it. Maybe you could block the chicken's view of the plant somehow? Or use that bird netting sold at nurseries to protect strawberries. 
Mallory said:
I picked the very first ripe caribbean red habanero a couple days ago. I set it on my lap while I was sitting outside. My rooster ran up and stole it off my lap! Chickens are attracted to the color red, they can't help it. Maybe you could block the chicken's view of the plant somehow? Or use that bird netting sold at nurseries to protect strawberries. 
I have the plants elevated about a foot of the ground and they are in 15g pots.  The more I looked at this pod the more I think it was a random bird since it was in the center of the bush.  This would have required her to jump up on the pot and peck it, which should could have done.  This hen will jump straight up from a squat and pick the RED berries off my burford hollys, like you mentioned she likes red.  I've caught her sitting in my patio chairs several times which is always funny to watch.

 I also have a backyard squirrel that is going to town on my granny smith apples, I have to be nice because I'm pretty sure I disposed of her mom a few years ago :( after she took up shop in my attic.  I went ahead a seeded the pepper so that I can attempt to use those seed next year.  I also tried a small piece, in front of the toothpick, as you all know that sucker was warm.  I'm sending one to my cousin who will eat just about any hot food put in front of him.  Hes going to let me know his take on it :)
Errrr one of the hens jumped into the middle of a pot today landing right on one of my biggest Bhut Jolokias.  She broke off two branches that were each over a foot long.  They got locked back into their 10x20 run after that, no more free run of the yard.