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Dark area inside pepper.... Good or bad?

There has been a couple but this was not one of them
What is it? There wasnt any noticeable signs of pod penetration, one of the pods that dropped had a hole in it from a critter
it could be the dreaded pepper weevil they took half my crop last year. they lay eggs on the pepper and cover it with a waxy amber color goo and the larvae feed on the inside on the pepper. thier very hard to spot, many of your peppers may be infected and not know it
newpeppergrower1105 said:
has your plant dropped any pods?
Please expand on this, Anthony.  My habenero plant has dropped a pod or two and I noticed the "dark area'" in one of the unripen pods that I cut open. 
Pepper Weevil, oh great.  Thanks for the info.  Are the peppers safe to eat?  It sounds like Dave thinks so.  I always soak my harvest in a water:vinegar solution before eating but that does't get inside the pepper, I think. 
Smob said:
Please expand on this, Anthony.  My habenero plant has dropped a pod or two and I noticed the "dark area'" in one of the unripen pods that I cut open. 
dark spots on the inside of dropped peppers may be the pepper weevil, i had a big problem with those bugs last year so this year i sprayed my plants when they started to flower. make sure you get rid of the dropped pods, dont leave them in your garden to decompose. if it is the weevil you will find the larvae in the dropped pepper. they tend to lay eggs in the flowers 
This is what the upper part of the inside looks like. Might be normal?

Its a little green.... Had to see if any of the others had the black spots near the bottom and it didnt except a few seeds...
good luck Brother no man (or woman)should have to watch their hard work fall to insects or bugs or squirrels or birds or thieving bastards, or stupid chemical happy neighbors, or diseases, or wind or too much rain or or or or or or......... :violin:
no but seriously Good luck!