Dark colored areas on Peppers HELP

Hey guys, I've searched around but haven't really seen any pictures or posts of my specific problem (maybe it's not even a problem). I thought that it might be a calcium deficiency but I'm not too sure about it. Blossom end rot? Sunscald? Calcium deficiency? Thanks to The_NorthEast_ChileMan for the photo uploading help.

It really doesn't look like BER to me but it is odd. Some peppers have a dark, maybe brown dark purple-ish color in some areas, specially the area that meets the stalk. I went ahead and bought some Calcium supplements at walgreens but disappointingly, they were gelcaps with a waxy, oily substance inside that isn't water soluble. I wanted to make a foliar spray with calcium and epsom salt so as to remedy any calcium deficiency it might have and also supply mag at the same time. 


I'm having a bit of trouble with inserting the pictures, I get a message saying: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community."
The pictures are in photobucket by the way. If anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated. I'm clicking on the Image button and pasting the photobucket url of the picture.
Neurotoxin said:
 If anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly appreciated.
Go to the album the pic is in.
Wave cursor over thumbnail and three lines appear in upper left corner.
Place cursor on lines, in menu that appears click on Share.
In Share The Photo option box that opens click on the box under Direct, Copied appears.
Return to post, insure flashing cursor is where you want pic to appear, click on Image icon in menu bar.
Hit Ctrl + V then OK.


The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Go to the album the pic is in.
Wave cursor over thumbnail and three lines appear in upper left corner.
Place cursor on lines, in menu that appears click on Share.
In Share The Photo option box that opens click on the box under Direct, Copied appears.
Return to post, insure flashing cursor is where you want pic to appear, click on Image icon in menu bar.
Hit Ctrl + V then OK.


Hey ChileMan, thanks for the technical help :D In my case, it was a bit different. I went over to the album and the three lines did nothing when I hovered over them or clicked on them. Instead, I clicked on the checkmark that appears on the bottom right hand corner of the picture and then got some options on the bottom of the page, I clicked on Link and then a window pops up with a few options, in which Direct was in. Copied that and you know the rest. Hehe, I like the bold letters. Thanks!!
I am not sure but it looks like they are turning colors starting the ripening phase?

My chocolate morugas look very similar as they ripen from green to brown.
This is a Carolina Reaper plant, I got the seeds from PepperJoe and this is the plant's first fruiting so the pods aren't really all true to form. Anyone have any ideas? Think my plant may have some nute deficiency? 
Joyner said it. Pods are good. Plant looks like it's a little deficient in N,as well as a little bacterial leaf spot.

On the pods, it's sun burn. They will be fine. Hope s to mine all the time.

As far as the plant goes , it's still OK. I've bounced mine back from 75% worse than that.
Dont just go throwing Calcium and iron and other things around. They'll be fine with that addition but too much can lock out other nutes. Start simple. Add a little nitrogen see if those leaves start to look better.

The pods are fine. Don't do anything with them.
Hmm...  Sirex, you and I are almost neighbors.  I get those spots ONLY at this time of year, when the temps get a little cooler (below 60 F) and the UV intensity plummets.  Even with plants that are fully canopied.  I have always equated the purple patches with environmental stress - in our case, the sudden temperature change.

Typically, if I have peppers that are exposed, it's full on sun scald.  But I've got a shit ton of pods right now with that coloring.

And to the OP - don't worry about the color.   It's not there when the pod ripens. (unlike sun scald)
Thanks for the information guys :) I have yet another question, since it seems the plant is nitrogen deficient and I don't actually have any fertilizer other than 20-20-20 and the granular 6-10-10
which is the one the plant is currently being fed with, I was wondering if calcium nitrate could be a good alternative to fix the N deficiency. Saw a bag of it at the nursery where I just bought some ornamental plants. Only thing that kept me from buying it was the bag said not to use with sulfates and I do use epsom salt as a foliar spray. Also, it contains Chlorine (says no more than 1%) Would that be okay to use?
Neurotoxin said:
I went over to the album and the three lines did nothing when I hovered over them or clicked on them. Instead,
I believe you were in your Bucket, not an Album? See pic below... If you were you can use the options arrowed on right.
I see what you mean now. It worked regardless so thanks :) I had just made the account so I didn't really know my way around the site.
Read up on the calcium reacting with sulfate resulting in insoluble calcium in the form of gypsum. In my application, it shouldn't really be a problem. Thanks for all your support guys!
solid7 said:
Hmm...  Sirex, you and I are almost neighbors.  I get those spots ONLY at this time of year, when the temps get a little cooler (below 60 F) and the UV intensity plummets.  Even with plants that are fully canopied.  I have always equated the purple patches with environmental stress - in our case, the sudden temperature change.
Typically, if I have peppers that are exposed, it's full on sun scald.  But I've got a shit ton of pods right now with that coloring.

And to the OP - don't worry about the color.   It's not there when the pod ripens. (unlike sun scald)
That's weird because I get those all of the time. Always assumed it was sunburn because that's what I was told. I've never seen sunscald stick around after ripening. Inteeeeerrtteeessstiiingggg :)

You'd know better than me though.
sirex said:
That's weird because I get those all of the time. Always assumed it was sunburn because that's what I was told. I've never seen sunscald stick around after ripening. Inteeeeerrtteeessstiiingggg :)

You'd know better than me though.
Yeah, I don't think I do in this case...  Given the opinions of others, I'm convinced that I'm totally not sure what it is.   LOL
Sun scald leaves a permanent mark that looks kinda like a toenail.  Very common on exposed peppers, and for us, typical between July and September.  This purple stuff, though...  Never seen it in the summer.  I only see it right now on my plants that are Chinense varieties, and some, in particular. (like Choc Borg 9, Choc Bhutlah - hmm)  No sign of it on any other peppers.
solid7 said:
1. Given the opinions of others, I'm convinced that I'm totally not sure what it is.
2. Sun scald leaves a permanent mark that looks kinda like a toenail.
Addressing #1, if you look at the pix you'll note a purplish hue on the stems & nodes, especially #3 in original post. This condition, and purple leaves, has had many threads like Purple Stems on Seedlings? and Leaves Turning Purple. I haven't a clue what it is so my question is, are the fruit influenced by the condition seen on stems?

As for #2 I totally agree the term sunscald is for fruit damaged by the sun, chick here for sunscald pix, but it seems to have branched out to this issue of purple hue, especially on pepper fruit. YMMV
Edit... Forgot, if you read through my links you'll note #1 happens both indoor under lights & outdoor with sunshine. You can come to your own conclusions as to what causes it but I would think we can rule out light however it's delivered?
I believe some plants turn purple because of temperature drops and high humidity. It's been getting a bit chilly here with some rain, and my pods and plants now do the same thing.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Addressing #1, if you look at the pix you'll note a purplish hue on the stems & nodes, especially #3 in original post. This condition, and purple leaves, has had many threads like Purple Stems on Seedlings? and Leaves Turning Purple. I haven't a clue what it is so my question is, are the fruit influenced by the condition seen on stems?

As for #2 I totally agree the term sunscald is for fruit damaged by the sun, chick here for sunscald pix, but it seems to have branched out to this issue of purple hue, especially on pepper fruit. YMMV
Edit... Forgot, if you read through my links you'll note #1 happens both indoor under lights & outdoor with sunshine. You can come to your own conclusions as to what causes it but I would think we can rule out light however it's delivered?
Some were suggesting that it is a phosphate deficiency, but I find that extremely unlikely, as that would affect the size and health of the fruit - even the ability to set flowers.  Also, there is this myth that we need so much more phosphate than what we actually do. (it should be the lowest number in the feeding schedule - I know plenty who grow low phos to great effect)  But to that point, an actual phosphate deficiency would affect the leaves, whereas I have no purple leaves.
I agree about the light.  I still wonder if anyone else who has seen this issue, had a very sudden temperature swing - like 10 degrees or more within a single day. (or cold rain from a prevailing front, etc)  I have some Fatalii Gourmet Rocato plants, whose fruit all went purple the very next day after we had a 50 degree night.  The previous nights were all 65 or above.  All of the fruits in question went on, or are going on, to normal maturity.