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greenhouse Dashboard greenhouse

Great idea! What happens when they get bigger and don't fit on the dashboard anymore? I suppose you could move them to the seat. Also, watch out for those random hot spring days - you gotta open a window or your babies will be toast!

Once the plants are large enough, I will repot and they will be hardy enough to put in the back yard on days that are above 45 degrees and sunny. That should start next week. then at night I will bring them in.
Make sure you turn the vents on them and blow some air... will make them more turgid. Haha Also I am no expert but 45° seems rather harsh for young plants. They won't die but it may set them back. Maybe you could leave them inside in a room that gets sun.
I will play it by ear. Next week the temps are supposed to be in the mid 50's so I think that will be OK. Regardless, I think they will be good and ready by the time I decide to plant them in the garden.I think I have a couple weeks before they are too big for the dashboard.

Had a tragic event two nights ago. I was adding water to the tray in which I was germinating the new round of seeds and as I was taking the tray away from the faucet it hit the side of the sink. That knocked it out of my hands and my whole tray of ungerminated seeds fell into the sink and detonated into a big mess. Hopefully enough seeds stayed in the pots and I will still get some plants out ot this. If not, I will be starting a new round soon anyway.