Datil Peppers

  I grew some Datil Peppers and was thinking that they would be pretty spicy.  Plant got big, spit out a bunch of peppers, and then I went to try one.  No heat.  Was actually kind of sweet.  I was expecting heat, aren't they supposed to have some heat?
DamonlBeaty said:
No heat at all that I could tell.  My wife said they smelled hot, but I could feel nothing.  
There is also a Sweet Datil pepper that contains no heat.  Maybe you got that seeds from that one? 
Oh man, I likely got those then!  Not to hip on the sweet peppers.  I will try a few as they get a little riper, and if they are still sweet then I will just let them grow wild, maybe donate to the local food co op.
DamonlBeaty said:
Oh man, I likely got those then!  Not to hip on the sweet peppers.  I will try a few as they get a little riper, and if they are still sweet then I will just let them grow wild, maybe donate to the local food co op.
The Sweet Datil peppers are quite popular,  I wouldnt discount them because of no heat.   I am growing the Hot Datil, but need to wait until one is ripe to ensure they are actual hot variety.  Fingers crossed!  
I have 3 datil plants and so far they had only one developed, but still green pod. Couldn't wait more so I ate it, pretty hot!