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Datil Vs Fatali

Datils are fairly productive and should produce a few pods for ya.


Good Datils are sweet. Good Datils are Yellow, and only Yellow. Good Datils are fragrant- sorta like jasmine, honeysuckle and cotton candy mixed together. Give them water, some good soil, some dolomite lime, and some room to grow and a single plant will produce several hundred pods in each flush.
Day to day eating my family would enjoy the Datil's more due to it's reduced heat.

But Fatalii's have an intense and amazing Chinense flavor imho, this years batch was the strongest flavored ones i've ever had. They are a must grow on everyone's list.

Anyone know of any Chinense with similar or stronger flavor than Fatalii's? (not counting heat)
Fatalii vs Datil!? HAHA! Dude, they aren't even in the same ball park. Fatalii KILLS datil in terms of flavor, heat, aroma, plant vigor, and all aspects of genetics all together :)
Hmm, with absolutely all due respect i have to completely disagree on the flavor, aroma and plant vigor part. The heat you are righto on, but my Datil pepper plants are same size in 10 gallon containers as the fatalii, put out a bunch of nice yellow pods, heat is not as high, but i have no pepper that equals it in level of fruity flavor. which is why its still my favorite. Decent heat and best flavor in my opinion. again just a opinion :)
i agree 100% with ajijer- datils are the best tasting pepper i grow...

datil apple butter rules...

fatalii is good too,,, just not as good...