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Anybody grow them? New to the site and growing, first time growing started with 4 diff plants with one being a datil. Not sure if its the hot or sweet one but guess I'll find out.
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.
Now your in the right area for them, I guess I am too, but you are for sure I have seen where there was a hot listed (similar to Hab but sweeter) then one listed as a sweet. Mines just starting to flower.Plant it self seems to be doing better than any of the others, excitd to see how it turns out.
i grew them last year 2011 and they where very good peppers, they where late coming in but when they did look out i had tons of them!!

they where the small ones too not the hybrid, i havee seen the hybrid and they looked like a fatalii on steroids LOL
i ate one and they did not taste as good as the original, i didnt grow them this year but i think i will again in 2012

thanks your friend Joe
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.

I agree, being a big datil lover myself and living in florida, what DP speaks is true facts :)
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.

I've seen several different looking pods for Datil...

Smooth pods that are long and oval shaped or short and pointy



and pointy, bumpier fatalii-shaped pods


Some of the smoother pods seem to be short and pointy and are shaped like candy corn, and others are longer and more oval shaped. What would you say is the most typical or true pod shape? I'm guessing the fatalii shaped ones are Super Datil, since a lot of them are labeled that way on google images. The ones I grew last year and am growing this year (originally from a plant from thechilewoman.com) are smooth and oval shaped (significantly longer than they are wide) and rarely pointy. They look a lot more like the first picture than the second.