Now your in the right area for them, I guess I am too, but you are for sure I have seen where there was a hot listed (similar to Hab but sweeter) then one listed as a sweet. Mines just starting to flower.Plant it self seems to be doing better than any of the others, excitd to see how it turns out.Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.
Good Datils are both hot and sweet, have a fantastic fragrance when you open them up. Contrary to one supplier they are never red. Nor is there a mild Super Datil- it is a hybrid, and shouldn't be called a Datil.