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hot-sauce Dave's Ghost Sauce - Must Refrigerate?! :-[

OK, since it was mentioned in another thread..........
The OP was asking about a specific brand/sauce....so...
I agree that Dave's Ghost sauce is probably OK to leave unrefr'd....  but imho, do not assume other hot sauces are safe to be left unrefrigerated.
edit for typo~
portveyn said:
Well, I have to take my words back. I tried Melindas and Daves side by side, 3 drops of each, on crackers. Daves Ghost is MUCH hotter! %)
Dave's contains extract and Melindas doesn't. TBH, making a sauce with a superhot pepper and then adding extract to it is a concept I've never understood but I guess it works for them.
Ah well...just 7 bucks. I won't f*ck up like that again. Maybe I'll pour some of it on my trash bags to keep animals out of it.
austin87 said:
Agreed for liability's sake. I've generally kept all condiments except mayonnaise/tartar sauce in the pantry, even after being opened. Ketchup, mustard, hot sauces, soy/tamari/teriyaki.... all say to refrigerate after opening. I've never had an issue. 

I have to agree with general consensus that if pH in the low 4's bacterial growth extremely rare so it is generally safe to not refrigerate. But as a sidebar, what about flavor, taste or heat? A long time ago a hot sauce connoisseur I knew claimed that not refrigerating hot sauce caused it to deteriorate, especially the flavor. Being honest, I have poor taste and smell senses and was wondering if anyone here can chime in? I'm not talking about that bottle you found at the back of the spice rack that had a best if used by date of a few years ago but maybe you used the last of a bottle that had been opened for awhile (Non-Refrigerated of course.), opened a fresh one and thought, "Hum, that's odd."?

Just wonderin'.......