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Day 6 and looks the same?

PhatManDerek said:
Well, I need to practice my spelling since college is 2 months away :)


I'm legendary for my bad spelling. I never want to live without a spell checker again.
That's a pretty good program, I wish they had a grammar checker plug in for firefox, I know they got one it's called Thunderbird but that's for linux box.
I use SeaMonkey - it's the suite of apps - browser, e-mail, composer, etc. Does great to check spelling but not grammar such as typing is instead of it! And one of my day jobs is to proofread articles.

wordwiz said:
I use SeaMonkey - it's the suite of apps - browser, e-mail, composer, etc. Does great to check spelling but not grammar such as typing is instead of it! And one of my day jobs is to proofread articles.

So you probably get a lot of eye strain looking at black & white text?
Do you mean an add-on for Thunderbird that only runs under Linux? Cause I'm using Thunderbird for email right now, and I have not seen any grammar check add-ons. Of course, I haven't been looking, either, but I could be inspired that way.
Pam said:
Do you mean an add-on for Thunderbird that only runs under Linux? Cause I'm using Thunderbird for email right now, and I have not seen any grammar check add-ons. Of course, I haven't been looking, either, but I could be inspired that way.
Yes that one, when I've read the caption it says grammar checker.
wordwiz said:

SeaMonkey replaced Mozilla which replaced Netscape. About the only function related to the Net that it doesn't include is an ftp client, though one can ftp files via the browser, AFAIK. But I use Filezilla for that.

I loved FileZilla, that's the only program that will work properly with 1and1 the web host where you don't have to have a phD in computers.
PhatManDerek said:
So you probably get a lot of eye strain looking at black & white text?

Yeah, way too much. But it's not just black on white - staring at a computer screen for 12 hours a day, seven days a week doesn't help.
